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Thread: Thinking of purging

  1. #51
    Member DonnaP's Avatar
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    I also am In closet and have purged multiple times once for your reasons. Then before you know it the urge is back the Fem side takes over again and you will be back in store replacing all u have purged at an even far greater cost. Stopping is sio hard when half of you love being a Woman believe me. No one can decide but you just please take your time and don't just rush into purge.

    Donna 💋

  2. #52
    Girl at Heart stefcd1's Avatar
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    I will give you my experience with purging which I have done several times in my life - DON'T DO IT

  3. #53
    Exploring NEPA now Cheryl T's Avatar
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    Those words "I am in the closet and always will be". Where have I heard them before? Oh, that's right that's what I said like 20 times.
    I'll just throw all these things away and it will be over, I'll never dress again. Purge.
    Oh well, that didn't work.

    Maybe for you it will.
    I can say that for me and many of us It Won't Work.
    I've purged a dozen times and now I'm nearly full time thanks to this Covid. I was nearing that point before all this started, but now I just don't feel like myself if I'm not dressed.

    I wish you all the luck in the world if you decide to purge and resolve to never dress again.
    I don't wear women's clothes, I wear MY clothes !

  4. #54
    Member Liz Jones's Avatar
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    It has been said (more than once )dont purge but put your stash away, fine but what if you put your stuff away for ,say a couple of years then get it out? The dresses,shoes ect will be out of date! not a problem if "in the closet" but if you go outside..........

  5. #55
    Silver Member Leslie Mary S's Avatar
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    Many of us pretending to be a woman born in a male body.
    When in fact, we have been acting like a male our body is when in fact we have a female mind set which we have had to keep hidden and are just letting out.
    Last edited by Leslie Mary S; 09-21-2020 at 04:23 AM.
    Leslie Mary Shy
    Remember this:
    You do not have to be a man to love a woman, or be a woman to love women's clothes on her or yourself.

  6. #56
    Silver Member Leslie Mary S's Avatar
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    The number of people who have stopped dressing and stayed that way is probably less then the number of people who have ceased to smoke or drink and stayed that way.
    So box up you girlie goodies and stash the box somewhere that others are likely to go in to. Make sure you get it all. If you don't then you are just cutting back.
    But please keep checking in with all of us.
    Leslie Mary Shy
    Remember this:
    You do not have to be a man to love a woman, or be a woman to love women's clothes on her or yourself.

  7. #57
    Senior Member Angela Marie's Avatar
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    My advice after two purges is DON'T. After my last purge, when I got rid of some beautiful outfits, I did not dress for a year. I finally came to peace with myself and my feminine feelings and started dressing again.

  8. #58
    Junior Member mylilsecret8's Avatar
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    I thought about doing a complete purge but decided to just do a partial purge. There were several things I rarely wore and others that were becoming worn so I started with them. Then I got rid of things that were duplicates and my stash was reduced in half. I did as others recommended and put many of the remaining items away in storage that are very low risk of being discovered and kept a few small items close by. This achieved avoiding regret of full purge, reduced stress of getting caught and allows me to fulfill need to dress on occasion. Best of luck to you and your decision!

  9. #59
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    I would not purge if you have an attic put in a trunk you will go back to them

  10. #60
    Junior Member TolerantCD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinky_caitlin View Post
    From past experience, the pink fog will come back and you will wish you hadn't purged. Tho sometimes a purge can be refreshing to make a new wardrobe out of it and new style, but pretty much every one here will tell you that it will come back. Also this current world situation won't last forever and things will get back to normal someday (not soon enough for most of us, but it will)
    What is pink fog?

  11. #61
    Member Liz Jones's Avatar
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    The urge to crossdress.

  12. #62
    Aspiring Member Joyce Swindell's Avatar
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    If we lived close I could help you with that 😃! What size do you wear?

  13. #63
    Member FrannGurl's Avatar
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    I did it a few times about 8-10 years ago. Never again!.... Like others have said here, maybe you should think about it, because it's likely the urge will come back, and it can be pretty expensive replacing everything. I suggest taking your things and storing them away for a time, just to see if that's the case. The urge to dress again could come back weeks, months, or even a few years down the road. It's different for everyone but likely will come back.

  14. #64
    I NEVER go bare-legged! Kimberly A.'s Avatar
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    SophyV, here's my two cents worth..... Of course, I can see a lot of people here trying to talk you out of purging. I say, do what feels right for YOU. No one here knows your thoughts and feelings better than you do. You have to take care of YOU. So if purging is the right thing for you to do, then do it. As others have said, the "pink fog" may roll back in and you might wish that you had never purged if you do that, but on the other hand, you might be glad that you did..... ONLY you know if it's truly right for you or not.

    Now, if you're looking for a definitive answer, looking for one or more person here to tell you, "Yes, purge" or "No, don't purge" then that might not be the best idea..... Why? Because like I said, only you know what's best for you and no one else here does.
    Last edited by Kimberly A.; 10-02-2020 at 09:21 AM.
    My YouTube channel: Kimberly A.

  15. #65
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    Purging is not always terrible. It is fair that we think that but every so often looking at ourselves and addressing the elephant in the closet is never a bad idea. Controlled purging is probably the best. I probably wouldn't purge wigs or breast forms as those can be a pain to replace. I'd might suggest looking for someone near you, you can kind of store them with them until the pink fog rolls in again cause it almost always does. Small purging as your re-evaluate your style and life is not necessarily a bad thing, just really weigh the options especially since it sounds like you are being clear headed about it. Think what if it does come back would I reasonably be able to replace this? Would I want to?
    I recently made a CD friend and I can say almost all of my future purging will probably going into their closet and vice versa.

  16. #66
    Member Julie Martin's Avatar
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    Sophy, you may be done reading these..add me to the list of "don't purge".

    I've purged 3-4 times over 40 years, but now have more girl stuff than ever..what HAS changed for me, is that my urge to dress has faded over time, and is now very infrequent..I do it once or twice a year, sometimes as long as 18 months between dressing. But when I do, I go for as totally believable a look as possible, and do it for a couple of days straight, doing all kinds of actitivies. My girl gear, however, lives in a storage facility an hour's drive away, intentionally. I don't want CDing to take up any more of my life than it does, and keeping my girl stuff off site keeps me from being tempted if a mild "pink fog" should show up. So my outings are long-planned, elaborate "vacatons" from my male self. I really enjoy them, but when I'm done I put Julie away and go about my life as usual, and don't miss CDing at all. BUT..I know that within 6-12 months, I'll want to do another mega-Julie no purge for me.

    I do recommend using a storage facility if you go long periods without dressing, and can afford it. If it would be really bad if your wife found out..that's not worth the risk, in my opinion. That part's not easy.

  17. #67
    Not the one on TV!
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    Quote Originally Posted by SophyV View Post
    Hi all. It has been a while. The pandemic has limited my time I can devote to CD and related activities. As a result the pink fog I was in last year has mostly rolled out. At the moment I am comfortable wearing skirts when Incan but no longer feel the need to go full drag. So, I am considering purging those things like my wig makeup and breast forms. As a reminder, I am in the closet and will always be, so the more I have around the more chance I have of getting caught. I am looking for some input. I don?t want to purge then the fog rolls in again and have to start over. At the same time, I am not sure it will. Thanks in advance for your advice.
    As one who has done it and have regrets, DON"T DO IT!

  18. #68
    Duality sometimes hurts.. PetiteDuality's Avatar
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    I'm also in the closet and will always be.

    I've purged hundreds of times. All these clothes (and money) directly to the trashcan. I miss some of the things I've purged, specially the shoes and my Veronica 2.

    However, being caught is not an option for some of us.

    So, you have some options:

    1) Purge. It might give you peace of mind for not getting caught.
    2) Get a very good hiding place. Right now I only have few stuff and it's hidden in by boxing bag :-)
    3) Store it outside of your home. In the city I live, I found a wonderful CD transformation studio. They offer the service of storage, laundry, ironing, etc. I'm planning to use it once I order my forms and curves. They also sell clothes that you can try on, in a safe place.

    My 2 cents ;-)

  19. #69
    Sallee Sallee's Avatar
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    in general the advice here will be DON"T but if you must send it to me. No seriously the only one who will make out is the dress shop and the breast form store You will be back

  20. #70
    Senior Member mbmeen12's Avatar
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    Never purge, just secure it in air tight containers etc...Regret is just that.

  21. #71
    Platinum Member Crissy 107's Avatar
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    I actually cringe when I see the word purge.

  22. #72
    Aspiring Member Lacey New's Avatar
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    Well, I will go against the grain a little bit and advise you to do what you think Is right for your situation. If it means purging, then do so. I have done it several times and each time, I have purged some things that are now out of style and are almost impossible to replace. On a certain level, I regret losing those items but in the grand scheme of things, it was better than getting caught. I am going through a similar situation now and I will be purging a lot of stuff that I have duplicates and triplicates of but I will exercise discretion and keep a very small stash of just those things that I cannot replace and that I particularly like.

  23. #73
    Member Liz Jones's Avatar
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    As female fashion seems to go in circles what you have now will go out of fashion-- only to come back into fashion in years to come!!

  24. #74
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    All. Again thanks for the advice. I am waiting for the right moment to move my small amount of stuff out of my house. We might be moving soon and explaining a sea bag full of women?s cloths isn?t something I am prepared to do. I?ll probably take the opportunity to get rid of a few pieces that don?t fit right but will end up keeping most of the stuff in there.

  25. #75
    Junior Member mylilsecret8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julie Martin View Post
    Sophy, you may be done reading these..add me to the list of "don't purge".

    I've purged 3-4 times over 40 years, but now have more girl stuff than ever..what HAS changed for me, is that my urge to dress has faded over time, and is now very infrequent..I do it once or twice a year, sometimes as long as 18 months between dressing. But when I do, I go for as totally believable a look as possible, and do it for a couple of days straight, doing all kinds of actitivies. My girl gear, however, lives in a storage facility an hour's drive away, intentionally. I don't want CDing to take up any more of my life than it does, and keeping my girl stuff off site keeps me from being tempted if a mild "pink fog" should show up. So my outings are long-planned, elaborate "vacatons" from my male self. I really enjoy them, but when I'm done I put Julie away and go about my life as usual, and don't miss CDing at all. BUT..I know that within 6-12 months, I'll want to do another mega-Julie no purge for me.

    I do recommend using a storage facility if you go long periods without dressing, and can afford it. If it would be really bad if your wife found out..that's not worth the risk, in my opinion. That part's not easy.
    Julie, your outlook on CDing is the direction I'm going. It takes so much of my time and I'm thinking of doing it once a year while out of town for several days. I did this a few weeks ago and it was amazing to be dressed femme the entire time, not worrying what strangers thought.

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