Hi folks. Been a while since I checked in here, I guess. Just a quick update on what I have been up to.

My medical transition's last remaining task - full depth, robotic-assisted vaginoplasty - is on hold, because my surgeon is taking maternity leave during the last part of her pregnancy. She expects to be back to work in about 4 more months. On the upside, she and a second surgeon who she partners with for this procedure have doubled the speed they can complete the surgery, from one patient per day to two. So once she does get back, it hopefully won't be long before it is finally my turn. Fingers crossed! I started HRT and my medical transition journey in August 2018. I will be so happy to finally be completely myself!

In other news, in about a week I start a different sort of transition milestone. My first job while living as a woman! I had retired prematurely in 2016, after a massive corporate restructuring. I was over 50, and was unable to continue my computer server administrator career, without relocating to a new city and taking a drastic pay cut. After a year of job hunting, while living off my retirement investments, I just decided I was retired. Well, I recently decided to try to get at least a part time job. I did also have sales experience, from early on in my career. So I applied for a part time cashier/floor sales associate opening at JC Penney, in my city's mall. Happy to say, they hired me without any issues! The interview went very well, and during the whole process, my being transgender wasn't even obliquely referred to! The only thing I said myself, when they mentioned the process would include a background check, was I stated I had changed my name a few years ago, and that I would be happy to provide my old name as well. The hiring manager just said that if the company doing the check needed more input, they would contact me. The report came out fine. They did cite my former male name as having turned up under an address search, but no pronouns or references to my gender were noted. So, a new chapter in my feminine life begins!
