Hi Girls,
I was coaxed into a conversation today by two ladies, one of which is a co worker, and the other, one of our mums at Kids club, about how she threw her hubby out nearly a year ago because she caught him wearing her panties. She was telling my colleague how horrified she'd been knowing that for 13 years she'd lived with a pervert, and thank God she'd found out before her 12 year old daughter had been damaged. Ive known about what happened for some time now because the girl came to Kids club in tears last year.
Anyway to cut a long story short, she said that her main fear had been the safety of her daughter, but also she had dreaded anyone finding out about it incase they thought that she'd married a gay, or she was a Lesbian, or worse still that she was Kinky.
My colleague asked me what my thoughts were on the matter so I told her that it really wasn't such a big deal and that during my pregnancies the only comfortable underwear that Ii could find where my hubbys Y fronts so I used to wear them instead of my usual sexy numbers.
Well you'll never guess what the rumour going round work is now. BEV IS A Crossdresser. Tee hee, can you believe that. Well, as the manager I cannot have those sort of rumours going around about me, so Ive had to step in and stem the flow. Ive told them all that I have Lesbian Tendancies and am definitely Kinky, and that there have been occassions when Ive fanticised about sleeping with a Gay man. Well honestly ME a CROSSDRESSER, heaven forbid.
Take care