Does anyone still really like being a guy?? I really do like being a guy a lot...I enjoy sports, I still like shoping for mens clothes, I like being on a date with a girl still. However if I could choose to pick my gender when born, I'd with out hesitation pick female I believe. Dressing does do somthing for me I can't explain...and since getting more in touch with that side of my self I even look at girls differently, not only am I attracted to them, but I wish I could be them as well.
I saw a post that some one wrote that said they think they have a multiple personality disorder. I understand where they are coming from on that, I don't believe I have a disorder by any means, but When I am a man vs when I'm a woman, I have different personality traits and I feel like a different person.

Before It was easy to go in spurts and not dress for months at a time, but with in the last 5 months or so, its been so hard not too, and its been with in the last 5 months that I have purchased more than just clothes and dresses, did the wig shoes and makeup thing as well.

NOt sure exactly where I am going with all of this, but I guess just does anyone still feel very undecided about there gender, which one do you prefer, and if you could choose just one, which one??