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Thread: Who else had a mother who bought them a fem item while younger?

  1. #26
    My Heroes Wore Nylons Lovely Rita's Avatar
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    I had a male friend I worked with buy me black tights

    Quote Originally Posted by heathr1 View Post
    I was bought a shirt, but it was only when mother got home from town after buying it, she realised it was a girl's and asked if I'd wear it and I did.
    Yes this person was such a nice friend. I made up a story about a school play and as a favor he bought me black tights.

    do you believe it It is true. Fact can be stranger than fiction.

    Lovely Rita

    The journey is about learning how to love and to do it with all our heart.

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  2. #27
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    it is great that so many of you had understanding Moms. My mom never knew about me wearing her or my sisters clothes secretly but somehow as understanding as she always has been I dont think she would have been mad with me. She to this day still doesnt know about my crossdressing but I have been thinking more and more lately about telling her since we still have a close relationship. I mean after all I am 25 so its not like she could punish me for it, lol. I just worry she may joke around with me about it if i told her and that would make me feel a little uncomfortable i think. who knows, maybe someday.

  3. #28
    Member karen marie's Avatar
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    i had a very supportive mother,who brought me many girly i grew older i realized that much of it was manipul-
    ative,stemming from her divorce and general distrust of males.
    yet it was what i wanted.

  4. #29
    Senior Member vivianann's Avatar
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    when I was about 7 or 8 yrs old my mother used to make me put a dress on to punish me for mis behaving, at first I hated it, but as time went on and by the time I was 10 I really enjoyed wearing dresses, so I would do things to cause my mother to make me wear dresses, she would mark on the calender how many days or weeks, and sometime months, that I was grounded to wear a dress, as time went on I had many months I was supposed to wear a dress every day when I was home, she threatend to make me wear dresses to school, but she never followed through with that threat. I had alot of dresses that my mother had bought for me, and I loved them. I wore dresses everyday for 2 yrs, then when I was 12 at the end of summer vacation, when I was to register for school my mother told me to put on some pants to register for school, I told my mother that I wanted to stay in the dress that I was wearing, and that I wanted to wear dresses to school instead of pants, she said that I would be teased, and it was not a good idea for a boy to wear dresses to school, she made me put on pants to register for school. when I came home from the 1st day of shool that day all of my dresses were gone, I was sad, I asked my mother what did she do with all my dresses, she told me she gave them to the salvation army.
    That is what my mother did.

  5. #30
    New Member sissycari's Avatar
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    i started dressing at 13. or well, thats when i first got caught. i got home from school an hour before my step-sister, and my step-mother didn't get off work till 5:00. my dad was on the road alot so wasn't around much. i would hurry home and sneak into my step-sisters room and dress in her clothes. sometimes just running out of her room when she got home. i started going into my step-mothers room too and loved wearing her lingerie! anyway they both came home early one day and i was in my step-sister's room so i never heard them. i was in her new swimsuit when they walked in. my step-sister started laughing and my step-mother got mad. she locked me outside of the house in it for awhile. anyway they had bought another swimsuit so my step-mother said it was mine. for her sissy. anyway she started to buy clothes for me so i would,t ruin thiers. and would take me to k-mart for clothes sometimes.

  6. #31
    New Zealand Jazzmine's Avatar
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    I once was given girls panties to wear when I was about 8 or 9 because mine had gotten wet and we were at a friends place for lunch. Got teased but secretly liked wearing them!

    I used to borrrow my mothers clothes after this, some of them permanently. She knew I was doing it but never brought the subject up. She would wash the clothes every now and then and put them back where I had hidden them. Very sweet don't you think!

    She thinks I grew out of it because we never talk about even now (I'm 50 and she's 76).

    She once gave me one of her denim blouses when I was about 14 but I complained the buttons were on the sissy side - silly me!

    Hugs Jazzmine

  7. #32
    Member Claudia Zylindrias's Avatar
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    No my mom never did but i had a sister and a cousin would did. I got caught allot wheni was a lil lass. I would wear either my sisters (i had 3 of them) bras and panties when i was suppose to be in the bath, or my mom if i could not "borrow" my sisters items without being caught. I sure they knew since they were wet and hidded at the bottom of the hamper. When i was 14 my ssiter and cousin baought me two outfits complete with ligere on the promise that I would leave there stuff alone. It seems i was ruining allot of bras and skirts in my haste to take them off.

  8. #33
    That Cute New Member KendallM2F86's Avatar
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    My mom never bought me NEthing femme, but my cousin Bobbie Sue and her friend did catch me after school just a couple years ago when i was 18 fully dressed in her clothes. I was embarassed beyond belief, but instead of makin' fun of me or tellin' sum1, Bobbie and Sarah put make up on 4 me and we watched a couple of movies together while digging up different outfits from my cuz's clothes and gave them 2 me so i didn't have 2 dig through her things like i was. I luv my CuZ! She's awesome 2 this day she's still there 4 me.

  9. #34
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    My mother allowed me to wear her sandals. I had three pair and one of them had a cute little two inch block heel. They were too large but I grew into them when I was about 13 years old. I really loved those shoes because they were so fem. There was a lot of Pink Fog.
    You will become stronger in the ways of the Pink Fog. May the Pink Fog guide you and be with you now and forever.

  10. #35
    That Cute New Member KendallM2F86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie001 View Post
    My mother allowed me to wear her sandals. I had three pair and one of them had a cute little two inch block heel. They were too large but I grew into them when I was about 13 years old. I really loved those shoes because they were so fem. There was a lot of Pink Fog.
    That's really sweet!! Lucky U!

  11. #36
    New Member Rachel Michelle's Avatar
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    No such luck for me! I was the oldest of three boys, so there were no sisters around to serve as role models. My CD experiences began around the age of 10, but they were few and far between and, luckily, I never got caught.

    Or maybe I should say "UN-luckily". Who knows, maybe if I'd been caught, my mom would have been one of those helpful, supportive moms that I've read about in this thread. Maybe she would have loved to have a part-time daughter to help her around the house. I really envy you girls who had a mom like that and/or an accommodating sister or cousin to help you be the person you were meant to be. If only it would have happened to me!

    Earlier this year, I asked my mom if she had picked out both a girl's name and a boy's name when she was pregnant with me. Sadly, she's having some serious memory issues these days and she simply could not remember. I would have loved to know what my other name would have been.


  12. #37
    Aspiring Member Joann0830's Avatar
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    I was always told that I should have been a girl

    I rememebr once wearing a silky type shirt to school once and thought that my mom bought it for me but later found out it was my sister in laws blouse. Love the Feel and didnt notice that it buttoned the opposite way. Since my young age I was always told that I should have been a girl and My Mom wanted a little Girl as I have two brothers. I had straight Blond hair and blue eyes, I can remember my older men cousins when I was running around saying that I needed a Bra. I always knew that I was different as in grade school I had Girl Friends and not boy Friends. I use to dress in my moms clean clothes and even hid some in the closet on the bottom. I wore her shoes which I was lucky because she had a size 5 foot and she was 4'11" in height. When I was home I played with my two cousins and they use to like to play dress up and I loved this one plaid dress all the time. When I got older I took some of my sister in laws clothes, Then when I was older I bought my own and dressed when I was alone. Now after many years and widowed I am being me with the longer hair and tweezed eyebrows and earings (Pierced) My one of two daughters who is still with me I explained to her who I really was and she thinks that is so cool and calls me her Aunt Joann her Dads Sister. Know I am just the 59 year REAL Me, That is My hair short but mine. I enhanced my breast with a natural herb product that I found on line which is working great. Thanks for reading Joann
    Last edited by Joann0830; 09-21-2007 at 02:13 AM.

  13. #38
    Aspiring Member Carol A's Avatar
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    Mom let me dress

    When I was 13/14 my mother caught me all dressed up in her cloths and all she said was "take my good dress off".

    She gave me a blouse and skirt told me I could keep the underwear things. She never fussed at me and said it was OK to play dress up if I liked.

    I dressed up everyday after school and all day Saturdays and Sundays and mom never said a word.
    When I was 16 she purchased me my first pair of heels and said I was old enough to wear them now.

    When I got married she told the wife so the wife knew about it, thats another thing for another time.

  14. #39
    Gold Member DonnaT's Avatar
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    My mom has given me clothes and jewelry. But that was a couple of years ago, so about 2 years younger.

    She did dress my youngest brother as a girl when he was little. Not at home though, but at a friends house. I don't think she's told anyone but me about that.

  15. #40
    Always Twins in Love Jackie67's Avatar
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    As you all know I am a twin and my two older sisters are twins so guess what I got to wear thier hand me downs which was OK this went on until I grew a little more than they did then, I would have them buy me things that they thoght was nice in my size.
    I guess you might say I am very lucky to have a family like mine.
    PS: even a wondeful SO like I have.
    May all the twins in the world have as much fun as I

  16. #41
    Pedal Steel Guitar Player Patricia Danielle's Avatar
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    Well I guess I would have to say Yes, No well Maybe? I'm the tenth of twelve kids. I'm the only boy so I got alot of hand me down shirts and sleep shirts and nightgowns then one day one of my sisters asked me to wear her prom dress so she could hem it, I told her it felt good and she gave me a few skirts and tops then one day another sister gave me a box of nylon full slips and I was in heaven when I felt that nylon against my skin and I still get that feeling to this day!!! Patricia..
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  17. #42
    Melora / Katie Melora's Avatar
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    My Mom gave me ALOT of Pantyhose, (as I was always fascinated by them), a Doll, and a Princess dress to play with when I was VERY young, and I THANK her for it. I also go into her closet and check ou the rest of her clothes too. When I was about 13, she also helped me and my makeup skills to go DRAG on Halloween to scool.. DAD was NOT TOO happy about this....
    I must say....
    Melora as always...

  18. #43
    Platinum Member Daintre's Avatar
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    No, it was strictly male clothes for me, my mom had little time for buying kids clothes, I got new clothes only when I went back to school in September of each year.
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  19. #44
    Lingerie Lover RachelDenise's Avatar
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    Mom found my hidden lingerie when I was about 15 and left a note to throw it away. She never talked to me about it and she never found my things after I moved it. If she did, she never did anything about it. I have always wanted to tlak to her about it, but never have. One day.......
    Rachel Denise

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    - Lewis Carroll

  20. #45
    Member Kari Lynn Franks's Avatar
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    well i was wearing my sisters panties my grandma told my mom when she caught me i was about 8 talk aout getting pissed dad beat the crap out of me both mom and dad said they wasn't going to have a queer for a son .I had known since i was 6 that I wanted to wear girls clothes so after that i was carfull notto get caugh untill the age of 14 when my counseler told them they should let me dress up that it could even stop the suicide attemps but all it got me was put through a wall by my fathers fist i hated them from that day forward causethey wouldnt even let me see my counselar after that i just wished they would have loved me for who i wanted to be
    I am a beautiful, young victorian style lady. Demure, gentle, kind and giving. I love to be feminine in lace and intricate delicate patterns flowing skirts, the kind of sexy that makes you desperate to know what I'm hiding underneath!

  21. #46
    Slips are sooo Sexy !! Ashly's Avatar
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    Sisters old dresses

    Back in those days my parents had not enough money to buy me boys stuff...I wore my sis dresses until the age of 6..No idea what else I had to wear, because nobody talked about it.

    When I was about 12 or so, I remember to wear my moms and sis slips. One day I found one in my bed, but can't say if she bought it for me or if it was one I never discovered before.
    Last edited by Ashly; 09-22-2007 at 11:23 AM. Reason: ..Forgot some
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  22. #47
    Slips are sooo Sexy !! Ashly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia Danielle View Post
    Well I guess I would have to say Yes, No well Maybe? ..... day another sister gave me a box of nylon full slips and I was in heaven when I felt that nylon against my skin and I still get that feeling to this day!!! ......
    OOhh...yeah!!! I remember
    [SIZE=2]It is Snowing Down South...[/SIZE]

  23. #48
    Senior Member vivianann's Avatar
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    My mother forced me to wear dresses when I was a little boy, she bought me alot of dresses from the time I was 7 till I was 12. got my first pair of nylons when I was 12. I really started to enjoy wearing dresses when I was 10 yrs old, but I did not let her know that until I was about 13 yrs old, when I told her that I wanted to wear dresses to school at the beginning of the school year, she told me no way, and that is when all the dresses disappeared from my closet when I was in school.

  24. #49
    Member Katie Moore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carrie Davis View Post
    well i was wearing my sisters panties my grandma told my mom when she caught me i was about 8 talk aout getting pissed dad beat the crap out of me both mom and dad said they wasn't going to have a queer for a son .I had known since i was 6 that I wanted to wear girls clothes so after that i was carfull notto get caugh untill the age of 14 when my counseler told them they should let me dress up that it could even stop the suicide attemps but all it got me was put through a wall by my fathers fist i hated them from that day forward causethey wouldnt even let me see my counselar after that i just wished they would have loved me for who i wanted to be
    That totally sucks. As a parent myself, I can only love and encourage my kids to be who they are. I can only hope that you have moved on and have peace within yourself.


  25. #50
    Trans Species Joy Carter's Avatar
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    Mom knew about me and made numerous hints about it over the years, till I hit puberty. I was too embarrassed to talk about it. I'm sure it had to do with me waring my sisters and her stuff.

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