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Thread: Crossdressing: Hard work

  1. #1
    Senior Member Melissa A.'s Avatar
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    Aug 2004

    Crossdressing: Hard work

    Hi, everyone.

    How many have experienced something like this: You haven't had the opportinity to dress as much as you'd like to lately. You come home, say in the evening. You have the next day off. No plans tonight. You don't expect any visitors, and either your SO approves or you have the place to yourself, indefinitely. Everything is set up for an evening of fun and femme.


    First I gotta shave, maybe even my legs, as well. Then I have to spend all that time putting on makeup, fixing my wig just right, and figuring out what I want to wear. And of course, do my nails. It's been such a hard week, don't know if I have the energy for all that. Besides, I really should clean up around here first. This place is a mess. Then when I'm all done, I gotta clean off all my makeup and nail polish, and put everything away. Aww nuts, I forgot to call Mom like I promised, she'll be asleep soon. Maybe if I wait a little while, see how I feel. I really want to dress up, should I? I'm just kinda tired. Should I?

    Shit. Wonder what's on HBO tonight? Where's that blanket? zzzzzzzzzz........

    Don't get me wrong. I really, really love being a girl. But sometimes, it's just such a bother.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Exactly like that

    Right now!

    you must be in the same job as me!

    Haven't been Sophie for 2 weeks! Was going to tonight but...... what you said!

    I also find that when i think i look good in boy mode i'm less inclined to be a girl. I've just had a hair cut and i like it! so not much girlying going on! Maybe just a skirt and singlet tonight! go for the casual look! My SO seems to prefer that anyway.


  3. #3
    Platinum Member
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    yes getting all dressed up is a lot of work for shure... it can take hours to do thing is i love my fem side so each long pain in the as_ step i do real slow and realy get into it.
    take the time to enjoy the shaveing ,, the picking out what to wear , the smells of the makeup the feel of it going on to you watch the marror as you change into that sweet loveable girl.....nails fileing and buffing them enjoy that as well...polish on nails ........
    like a craft progect for your hands and toes......rings and things that go with the in the eyes what a delightfull pain ..

    see if i just hurryed up and got dressed then what fun is that ????? tunes playing just enjoy ...... maybe a drink or two..............

    .... not work if you do it right.........

  4. #4
    Senior Member Melissa A.'s Avatar
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    Oh great. The retired girl is telling me how to manage my time!

    Just kidding, Wendy, luv ya. It's usually like that for me, but sometimes, *sigh* Not tonight. Maybe if I keep a cosmetologest on retainer, for times like that...



  5. #5
    Platinum Member
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Melissa A.
    Oh great. The retired girl is telling me how to manage my time!

    Just kidding, Wendy, luv ya. It's usually like that for me, but sometimes, *sigh* Not tonight. Maybe if I keep a cosmetologest on retainer, for times like that...



    melissa i had to retire .... wendy is a full time job.........

  6. #6
    Junior Member emily21's Avatar
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    Obviously Melissa what you need is a ladies maid !!
    Everything laid out for you, help dressing and with the makeup. On hand to pamper you're every whim. Then you can have a nice relaxing time
    Must be a few here who will apply for the job no pay expected as well

    Love and hugs Emily

  7. #7
    Island Girl
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    Jan 2005

    A Labor of Love

    Sorry for the cheesy cliche, Melissa. I haven't had my coffee yet. (yaaaawwwwn)

    You know, since I've been taking my crossdressing more seriously, the time and effort have been in the back of my mind. I can hear myself asking the questions, how do I make it all fit? Do I have time and engergy for head to toe? Mostly the answer is 'no' and so I opt for a skirt and nice blouse (I often think of shoes, but we don't wear shoes in our homes here).

    On another note, I've started to shave more of my body a couple times a week. It has increased my shower time significantly, from 30 mins to 45. It is fun though, but it does eat up the time.

    Aloha, dear,


  8. #8
    Member Mia001's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    I think we all get like that sometimes (not just about crossdressing). If you end up crashing out in front of the telly then you're obviously tired and need the rest.

    I've always thought that make up was too much of a hassle and was never really into it.

    I think if you're really in the mood to get dressed then you'll find a way and, tired or not,

    If you tidy up or watch telly or fall asleep instead then it would seem that you want that more at the time. It's not a bad thing. Let's you know you're keeping things in perspective if you decide you have more important things to do.


  9. #9
    Senior Member paulaN's Avatar
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    It happens to me all the time. I started shift work on the first ot the year I thought I would have much more time to dress up, ya right. I do have more days off and a lot of them in the middle of the week, hell I even have one week of a month on my regular rotation. but I find that I can not play dress up. I want to do it right that means every thing. but the kids don't go to school until 8.00 thay come home at 2.00 so I say to myself, I will get all dressed up, then I will have to take it all off. also there always seems to be something that I must take care of. even though it might only take an hour it still pushes the time thing off. which is too short to begin with, oh worries me. of the weeks off I have had this year two of them have fallen on school vacation. that is great for me and the kids but not for the heels and hose. I have still not had the chance to dress up all the way for way too long, got to get rid of the hole famly I guss or go get a hotel for a night. keep on dressing girls.
    keep on gurlin everyone. paula may

  10. #10
    Member Laura Jane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melissa A.
    Hi, everyone.

    How many have experienced something like this: You haven't had the opportinity to dress as much as you'd like to lately. You come home, say in the evening. You have the next day off. No plans tonight. You don't expect any visitors, and either your SO approves or you have the place to yourself, indefinitely. Everything is set up for an evening of fun and femme.


    First I gotta shave, maybe even my legs, as well. Then I have to spend all that time putting on makeup, fixing my wig just right, and figuring out what I want to wear. And of course, do my nails. It's been such a hard week, don't know if I have the energy for all that. Besides, I really should clean up around here first. This place is a mess. Then when I'm all done, I gotta clean off all my makeup and nail polish, and put everything away. Aww nuts, I forgot to call Mom like I promised, she'll be asleep soon. Maybe if I wait a little while, see how I feel. I really want to dress up, should I? I'm just kinda tired. Should I?

    Shit. Wonder what's on HBO tonight? Where's that blanket? zzzzzzzzzz........

    Don't get me wrong. I really, really love being a girl. But sometimes, it's just such a bother.


    I know what you mean, having had a couple of years where I could work from home and no commuting to do, I had plenty of time and energy to dress up when the mood took days after a hard days work and journey home, I just about have the energy to channel surf.

    That leaves even more to cram into the weekends!

  11. #11
    Senior Member Melissa A.'s Avatar
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    I can sympathise, paula. I have a friend who did shift work for 13 years. I am on worse than shift work, on call 24/6. While I can usually gauge when I will be called through use of the telephone and computer, it's not exact. And I always MAY be called in on 8 hrs. rest.(rest meaning the time I last left) The things we do for cash....



  12. #12
    Member Marianne's Avatar
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    Well, doh.

    Most nights I'm not going to spend two hours shaving, moisturizing, putting on makeup , styling the wig etc just to lounge around on the computer or watching tv, only to spend another hour taking it all off again an hour or two later.

    It's enough just to throw on bra and panties, toss on a t-shirt, denim skirt and flats. And that's not every night either.

    Of course, I'm old, tired and cynical, and in far too good a mood lately to worry. The warm weather is here, the door from my apartment to the balcony is wide open letting in the fresh air and my cat is on serious 'guard' duty protecting me from any incursion of bird-shaped alien attackers!

  13. #13
    Senior Member Sweet Susan's Avatar
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    I can't tell you how many times I've had that exact conversation with myself, all the way down to "calling mom." It often is just too much work.

  14. #14
    Platinum Member ChristineRenee's Avatar
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    Probably another reason I don't do the full makeup and dress thing like I used to. It is very time consuming to do it. But I lounge around in my femme attire in the evening so really that compensates a lot for not wanting to fully dress. Like I've said before, I don't NEED to fully dress to be Chrissie...and that makes it much easier when you don't feel compelled to fully dress on a regular basis. It also makes the times that you do dress just that much more special and pleasurable!


  15. #15
    Senorita Member Sigrid's Avatar
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    I've dressed without makeup and wig for years and have been quite satisfied. Within 15 minutes, I'm fully dressed (from the neck down). I pop in a movie, get comfy and maybe take that time to work on my nails.

    It was just three or four weeks ago when I bought my first wig and attempted a full makeover. Your right, that's hard work! It's allot of fun, but it really can drain my energy. I'll contiue the full makeover in the future if I have several hours, or if I want to take some pictures. For the most part, however, I'll skip the makeup (avert my eyes when passing by the mirror) and spend my time watching movies, doing chores, etc...


  16. #16
    Member Paula A's Avatar
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    I understand, it really is a lot of hard work to "transform" into my true fem self. It is such a pain but it is worth the sacrifice. When I don't have time and want to dress, like in the morning before work or when everyone is out of the house and I'm on a limited amount of time. I'll just dress, no make up, no nail paint. But it does help to have a close shave (face). Then I'll go about my business around the house. I don't need the nails ( I started keeping mine long) and make up, I just don't look in the mirror a lot. It helps, I like wearing the clothing, I like the styles and the "wind in my skirt" feeling. It's like a fast fix between long term relief.

    good luck girl, If you need to talk just give me a shout on the telli.

  17. #17
    girlie guy
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    Feb 2005

    you said it

    Wow, Melissa, you're right. So much detail. But that's the fun part, I think.
    I've seen some stripper web sites where GGs take it all off, doesn't do much for me. I'd rather see them putting it on. There are a couple like that, and that is for me!

    By the way, Miss Bosie, those were my lips in the picture pile I sent you...

  18. #18
    Aspiring Member
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    Melissa, I can totally understand where you're coming from. After a stressful week at work, the last thing you want is to rush around again at home getting dressed and undressed.

    Sometimes you just want to kick back and relax.

    Like all the other girls here, I used to get fully dressed whenever I had the chance, but now I have really pared my dressing down significantly. I hardly wear my nails anymore, and I keep the lingerie that I wear to a bare minimum. That way I still get to dress up but not the hassle disrobing from an entire outfit.

  19. #19
    Member Katiegirl's Avatar
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    I know where you are coming from, when I was married and had kids it was nearly impossible to dress fully. Later when I became a carer to my parents it was just too difficult a situation to even try and dress however much I would have liked too.

    Now I live alone I can dress when I want, which is nearly every evenings and weekends now. I get back from work usually around 4.30pm and go into a routine of showering, shaving, dressing and putting on light makeup which takes about half and hour. The first part of the evening I wear slacks,t-shirt and flats then later change into a dress or skirt and blouse, heels and wig.

    Living alone has its perks.

    Mind of a Woman, Body of a Man, Life is a Bitch

  20. #20
    Unofficial CD Mom Holly's Avatar
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    Melissa... have you been inside my head again? Been awhile for all out Holly but every evening a satin nightie and every so often I'll pamper myself with a nice long bubble bath while taking care of some other grooming needs. It makes all out Holly more special.
    Fulltime girl on the inside.


  21. #21
    Platinum Member
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    wow the frist at lest 3 hours every day are wendy time and often up to 10 hours a day
    but some times i like to dress down and just hang out...sexey under some bang around clouthes shorts and tank top or wrap up in a fluffy bath robe.............

  22. #22
    Member Cissy Suzie's Avatar
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    I agree, usually the only day I have to myself is Sunday and that happens to be my girlfriend's only "short" day ... she works from 10:30 til 6:30 on Sunday. Usually she works around 12 to 13 hours a day.

    My job is very high pressured, involving maybe a dozen deadlines that have to be fullfilled every day. I am at the mercy of designers and their minions who don't have a clue what I do for them, and they could care less besides.

    At my shop we pride ourselves on accuracy, we never disappoint our customers. I have been known to work 36 hours straight just ahead of holidays to make sure we fulfill our commitments. We are very successful because of our reputation, but it isn't easy.

    This means that usually I have worked a wickedly stressful week, then spent Saturday doing honey do's and trying to get my own personal stuff done, (my girlfriend lives next door, she knows I dress up but has ignored it, and prefers not to deal with it) so I live for Sunday.

    A lot of times Sunday comes and I just am so tired, I go to sleep Saturday night thinking, "Woo Hoo! Tomorrow is Suzie day! Then I wake up and just feel like it would be a waste of my, and Suzie's time to even bother.

    Sometimes I force myself to get up and gut it out like a real girl would and do the whole make up thing, and get dressed. I usually want to take a couple of pix when I am dressed up, (someone once told me if there weren't mirrors we wouldn't dress like girls!) but when I push myself and dress up when I am tired, I look really really not at all like I want to.

  23. #23
    I know exactly what you're talking about.I work swing shifts and I just haven't had time to dress for over a week now. No wonder I'm depressed. But you know, next week I'm on vacation, and I'm going to be en femme for most of it.I'm always Karen,dressed or not,and life is good.

  24. #24
    Senior Member Melissa A.'s Avatar
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    Thanks for all the responses. Nice to know that there are others who experience the same thing from time to time.

    It's not that big a deal. If I don't have the energy, then I am not that motivated at that time, for whatever reason. I do usually enjoy the process of feminizing myself, with the possible exception of the love/hate relationship I have with eye makeup. I love eyeliner and mascara but putting them on is so tedious and time consuming! Sometimes I wish I could I could just snap my fingers and be all made up.

    As for makeup removal, this is a challenge unique to crossdressers. I would never, ever try to suggest that we have it tougher than transexuals. Very few face the challenges they do. But when I am done dressing, I have to make sure I remove every bit of eyeliner and mascara, even from the corners, of my eyes. And my cuticles must be completely polish-free. It's a pain in the ass.



  25. #25
    Supportive Member MsMichelle's Avatar
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    Different Motives

    While I agree that dressing can be a real pain I think there is also the motive. For the most part, I just can't be bothered dressing only for the purpose of being at at home. If I am going to go to the trouble of a complete transition it's for a definite purpose. I used to really look forward to getting all dressed up on Friday nights just for the purpose of the Friday night club dancing. I would usually leave work an hour or so early shower shave and get ready. I was usually ready to hit the door by 8:00 PM drive to a parking lot a block or so away just so I could walk a block or so to the club if the weather was decent. Woked like a charm for a couple of years until one Friday another girlfriend was going to pick me up and we were to both go out clubbing. She was to pick me up at 8:30. I was all ready by 8:00 so I decided to sit on the coach and watch television for half an hour. Well didn't I fall asleep. I didn't even hear the lobby phone ring when my friend came to pick me up. What woke me up was my wife shaking me at 11:30 when she got home from work. She was surprised to see me home that early as I am usually home by 12:30 - 1:00 AM
    So now I have decided that I will save my club night for Saturday. Being as I am off the day and have the chance for a beauty sleep in the afternoon. I usually do the shower and close shave thingy and have a nap while waiting for the face to cool off from shaving. But I find myself still looking so forward to getting out for the evening that I am so pumped up that I feel like a total new person by the time I am slipping into the heels.
    [SIZE=2]"Une Femme sans bas, c'est comme une rose sans parfum.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]( A woman without stockings is like a rose without fragrance.)"[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]"Don't hate me for being beautiful, hate your boyfriend for thinking I am"[/SIZE]

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