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Thread: another work situation

  1. #1
    Member wendy68's Avatar
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    another work situation

    I read in the last few threads of someones work problem and thought I mention mine as well. This afternoon my supervisor called me into her office and told me that she thinks Im under too much stress and wants me to not come back to work for the remainder of my time there. Ive worked at my job for over a year but it was a civil service job in which I recently got out scored so I was going to be replaced anyway and was to work till mid August. Along with the stress talk she mentioned that she knew I was a cd and she continued on to mention counseling for me and the possibility of me having multiple personalites. This took me back quite a ways and admitted that I was a cd but had no mental problems nor was I stressed out except for some stress over starting a new job I have lined up in three weeks.what happens next is not what I expected.Im told I can come to work the next day and finish tommarrow and the time between now and my next position will be paid to me just as if I had worked.So Im getting a three week vacation all paid.Of course Im happy about the money coverage until my next job but confused at the same time.she told me after this that the cding wasnt a issue in this case but it was the stress she feels Im under. I told her several times in this disscussion that I felt fine and able to do my duties but she wasnt going to change her mind.If anyone has insight into this please let me know.--thanks Wendy

  2. #2
    Silver Member Jonianne's Avatar
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    Hi Wendy,

    I'm sorry you are losing your job. From what you are saying, it sounds to me like they have issues with you being CD. I guess its a moot point since they are paying you anyway. How did they find out and when? Are you sure your being replaced was legit?



    "Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free" Bob Dylan

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    She is lying. It is an issue to her.

    Understand that all the struggles of the labor movement in this country over the past century are being undermined by the current administration and even the very best of the corporate entities we work for.

    Sue them.
    Last edited by unclejoann; 07-29-2008 at 09:00 PM. Reason: correction

  4. #4
    Member wendy68's Avatar
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    how, when,legit

    As to the how and when I dont know and she clearly in the disscussion wasnt going to satalk about this. It was legit in that its civil service law and I was provisional pending how I did on the test. I have heard from some people however that If they like you they can possibily pull some strings to keep you but this never was mentioned--thanks wendy
    Last edited by wendy68; 07-29-2008 at 09:17 PM.

  5. #5
    Silver Member Jonianne's Avatar
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    The fact that she even brought it up shows she has bias. This really pisses me off. I just wonder if the test score is really legit. Again, I'm sorry Wendy. I hope your next job will be much better.



    "Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free" Bob Dylan

  6. #6
    Member wendy68's Avatar
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    test score

    The test score was something I had thought of too but I dont think its possible. the tests are sent to the state capitol for scoring.I had a high score but a person with their score and military credit points added in over took me.This was what I was told.--wendy

  7. #7
    Faith's Girl Kimberly Marie Kelly's Avatar
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    Unhappy Unfortunately, Employment at Will

    Almost every state in the US is an "Employment at Will" State. What this means is that a company can let you go for any reason they want, they don't even have to give a reason. It's based on the principle that if you can quit at any time, the company can let you go any time without a reason.

    Most companies still go thru the motion of coming up with a reason to let you go. Most can be fairly flimsy reasons. Your only recourse, if you want to fight it, is to prove the company violated discrimination laws or other fedaral law preventing job discrimination, which in reality is slim to none.

    Accept the 3 weeks severance, take any holiday pay or vacation time due you and start hitting the pavement. File un-employment as soon as your last day occurs.. Good luck. Kim

  8. #8
    Member SusanLaine's Avatar
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    she's definitely lying and you should be able to sue them...but realistically, your damages are not tangible in the eyes of the law (IMHO) so in order to basically sue a gov agency you would have to have deep pockets to pay your own legal fees (maybe $1M-$2M+) or find a law firm that thinks your case is worth taking up (for 40-70% of the winnings).

    Given that this would be a gov agency - it won't happen...take your free vacation and chalk it up to a learning experience...sorry hun, best wishes...:-)

  9. #9
    Gold Member DonnaT's Avatar
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    She has a problem with you, probably the CDing.

    When on probation they do not have to have a reason to let you go. However, if you've been there over a year, probation should have been over. If you have good evaluations, then a visit to your union rep may be in order, if you have one, and if you want to fight for your job.

    Otherwise, take the 3 weeks and make the most of them.

  10. #10
    Joanie sterling12's Avatar
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    I think your most important assignment for the next three weeks is to find out how she knew about the CD! And, to make damn sure that she won't be passing this information along to some other manager at your future job.

    Sometimes discrimination and prejudice like this can be very subtle. She obviously told you in private with no one else within earshot. She obviously was trying to send you some sort of a message.

    Even if you are stressed, that's not her job to speculate on any personal reasons. Her job is to be a manager, and facilitate your work, so that "The Stress" is not directly related to your job. I'm in management and I hate these little "head games," that some people like to play.

    Since it's a government job, you are probably protected by discrimination laws. But I would make sure about my rights and try to figure out if they are going to try and tie The CD in with something else, (job stress?) to try and stick it to you.

    Peace and Love, Joanie

  11. #11
    Silver Member trannie T's Avatar
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    Your supervisor sounds amazingly clueless. You are better off being away from her. Depending on the laws of your state and how far you wish to pursue this you may have a good case for legal action.
    It takes a real man to wear a dress.

  12. #12
    Trans Species Joy Carter's Avatar
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    Wouldn't stress be a medical or mental diagnosis ? Is this supervisor even qualified to give such opinion, on your alleged condition ? That's one thing in your favor. But like the others say, just move on and hope for a better job. The government has big lawyers. But I'd also keep notes, next time you run across this sort of problem.

  13. #13
    Senior Member Bev06 GG's Avatar
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    Hi Wendy,
    Well it would have really been better had you confronted her at the time about the couselling and your multi personality. I personally would have asked her outright what her actual concerns were and if she understood anything at all about Cross Dressing. I would have also picked up a note pad to write down infront of her everything she had said asking her to clarify certain points along the way. I would then calmly have announced to her that she'd broken every anti discriminatory law in the land and tht you intended to take the matter further. But that is easier said than done and heinsight is a wonderful thing. I know its easy for me to say but to be honest Wendy until people are held to account for their narrow minded views on CDing we are never going to move on and I know this sounds like fighting talk but sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in. I know that this for you was totally out of the blue and so it would have been difficult to go in to that office with a plan of action, I bet you could hardly believe what you were hearing.
    I dont think you have a leg to stand on regarding keeping your job because as you say you were out scored and thats the way these jobs work. However, depending on how brave you are I would take the CD issue further. She was downright rude and very ignorant and I would bringing it to the attention of her superiors. How very narrow minded and arrogant of her. I too share the same thoughts as some of the other girls and I am quite furious about this. You expect better from someone in a managerial position.
    Take care and enjoy your three week break.

  14. #14
    Aspiring Member karynspanties's Avatar
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    Well sweetie look at it this way. She does have an issue with your cd'ing. But, you already have another job. You get the next three weeks paid. Take the time, enjoy it and forget about that B#2ch. Would you really want to stay and work for someone like that? Good luck in your next job.

  15. #15
    Member wendy68's Avatar
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    Thanks to you all for the support and insight.Im definitely chalking this one up as a learning expierence. Im gong to try to put this job situatin behind me and look to the future. Lots of hugs and thanks--wendy

  16. #16
    Banned Read only
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    way out there!
    I'm wondering, like a few others, if this little talk with your present supervisor is gonna go somewhere else.

    Do you have, or do you need recommendations from anybody in this office for your new job? Do you know what they're gonna say? Is it possible to have an informal chat with the HR person at your new job to try to mitigate some of the damage that these people might do to you? Does your new workplace have anti-discrimination policies in place that can protect you from something like this in future? Familiarize yourself with them if they do.

    Keep a journal, hun. Write down everything that has happened in the past and how you feel about it. And write down everything that happens at the new job. In an anti-discrimination case, your perceptions of your co-workers and supervisors actions and attitudes may be just as important as their intentions.

    Good luck in your new job. And enjoy your vacation!

  17. #17
    Platinum Member
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    ask for all copies of the paper work involved with this and review them .... make sure what is on them it truth full ..... sounds like she has issues with your CDing... which is of coarse not allowed it's discrimination on her part .... cover your ass.............

  18. #18
    Member KayR's Avatar
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    Doesn't the fact that she mentioned your CDing imply discrimination?
    The test would be to say "I am not getting rid of you because you are black/gay/left-handed etc"?

    How did she find out about your CDing? Do/did you go into work in anything other than drab? If you didn't, then as long as you are not consorting with known enemies of the State (or whatever the term is in the USA) or bringing the Service into disrepute, your outside activities are none of her damn business!

    As mentioned earlier, what is the basis for her "diagnosis" about your being stressed? Is she medically qualified to make such statements?

    Your next job may well ask for a reference. As a manager myself, I know the "secret" messages one can imply in a reference.
    I think you should make some enquiries via HR. Would it be possible to get a written reference from the Service before you leave? At least you have something to show future employers.

    How about sending an e-mail to the supervisor summarising your conversation?
    "....I was surprised to note that you believe I am suffering from stress in my current role. You have never mentioned this to me in our previous job review meetings. It is certainly a challenging role, but that is healthy stress. Dont you agree?...."
    Good luck!
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  19. #19
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    You can be replaced if someone scores higher than you???? That system sucks!! I'd be less worried about the crossdressing issues here and more worried about how to keep my job....
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  20. #20
    Member wendy68's Avatar
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    big thanks

    Thank you so much again for the insights you all have shared. Your comments have helped me put this situation in the right perspective. I feel much better and feel determined to make my next job experience a positive one.My supervisor and I both work in the mental health field as therapists so when she came at me with this she hit me blind sided. No, I never dressed at work except for undergarnments. Considering what you all said I feel good about taking a new job. I dont see how a theraputic relationship can truly exist at this point with her not viewing me as a individual capable of my assigned duties. Thank you all---wendy

  21. #21
    Silver Member Jodi's Avatar
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    I must chime in here. As a former high lever manager under the civil service system, I think I might know a thing or two. She said you were under stress. You question to her should have been--What have you observed that makes you think I am under stress? What behaviors were you exhibiting that would suggest you were under stress? That is the important factor.

    You must have been showing some type of overt behavior that suggested extreme stress. No supervisor can make a statement like that without qualifying why they are making it.

    Under civil service law, if you are still on probational status, you can be let go without reason, just let go, but cogent reasons are generally given to the person.

    Another question--were you under temporary status? If so, they can fill the position with one who scores higher when they make the position permanent.

    My opinion is that your cd'ing was not any type of factor. I think it had to do with job performance or behavior on the job.

    As a civil service manager, I can tell you that the time to get rid of a poor performer is when they are probational or temporary. If you give a poor performer permanent status, you are just asking for trouble. During the last 5 years I worked before I retired, we were filling most all positions with temporary fills. This gave us a chance to see how the person functioned. Then we would select the better ones for permanent slots. It worked well for us.

    As a manager, my mission was to get the work accomplished timely, accurately and efficiently. We did not care if a person was gay, tg, cd, or what. As long as they did the job, that was our main concern. Great performers were rewarded regardless.

    Just my two cents.


  22. #22
    Hugging the Kurves! RobertaFermina's Avatar
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    Off the top of my wig....

    A simplifying request would be to....

    Demand a written directive from her, including the reason, terms and conditions of your "Furlough."

    If she thinks you are under stress and can't show cause for it, other than her judgment about your crossdressing, she will be hard put to fulfill this request without making herself vulnerable to review for prejudice, ignorance, or discrimination, etc.

    If you accept this furlough without some clarity that it is a respite, and not expected to be an ongoing issue, you may make yourself vulnerable to outright discharge, or consignment to disability.

    [COLOR=Red]Open your Heart :

  23. #23
    Member wendy68's Avatar
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    Hi jodi, I will try to answer your questions the best I can. The behaviors she mentioned were lack of concentration,appearing stressed,and anxiety. I myself did not notice these. I asked my co workers if they thought I had any overt problem behaviors and asked them to be honest as I really needed to know and they reported none. As far as performance , to date Im the only therapist on staff that has their current paperwork up to date. The three evalutions I have had since I started a year ago came back all positive. The assessment areas were the usual--attendance ,is he a team player?,etc. Their was never a low mark on any evaluation areas.As far as me being provisional pending the test to get full status, Im not confused about that. if someone out scoes me Im a good sport and my hats off to them ,however to be let go three weeks early knowing how short staffed they are is a puzzle to me.The only possible reason I have thought of outside of whats been commented on this thread is the possibilty that they want to start this new person early. --thanks for your thoughts on this --wendy

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