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Thread: Need help with a Diet Plan ?

  1. #1
    Dreams SOBER's Avatar
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    Need help with a Diet Plan ?

    I'm a MTF taking Progynon Depot and Spiro. I just had started with this combination about 4 weeks ago. I go see the Doc in 4 weeks and want a good result. What are some good foods to eat?

  2. #2
    Such Is Life Jessicaparkson's Avatar
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    In my experience the number 1 thing in positive (aka long lasting) dieting is control. Not about the foods persay, but how much you consume. For example. Lets say I usually eat 3 hamburgers and a large fry at a fast food place (I don't lol). Now a lot of people say to simply cut off these foods, and for people who don't trust themselves that's good. For people like me I suggest following this. Your eyes are nearly always bigger than your stomach. If you order 3 burgers usually, order 2 (small steps always help). If you get a large fry, get a small one. Drink diet drinks! And I mean lots. Use up that "Free Refill" thing. Sodas/water will fill you up so you won't be as inclined to buy as much.

    As for foods themselves. Don't get into the heavy starches (pastas, breads) too much, they are needed a bit but are a major contributor to anti-loss/dieting. Secondly, stay away from those evil transfats. Any diet will be helped by movement (by movement I mean get walking/running depending on your fitness level). Just be sure to check calories and fats on your foods and keep servings small. Hope I helped some.
    “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”


  3. #3
    XpoisonXgirlX Kayla Shadows's Avatar
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    I dont know what you like but I lost a lot of weight cutting certain things out(fast food,soda).When you totally cut all fat from a diet,your body,as a defense,trys to keep too much of what you have.You dont want trans fat or a lot of saturated but poly and mono is ok.The natural fats found in fish like salmon are good for you.

    Some other little things I did was,wheat bread instead of white bread.I ate more times a day.Three meals but with small snacks inbetween(low fat yogurt,fruit,maybe a granola bar).If you like mayo,helmans light has been recommended.Smart Choice popcorn,Nature Valley granola bars,Bushs Best Vegetarian Baked beans(which I wasnt sure about,tried them and really good).2% milk instead of whole.Turkey,ham.For cheese,a lot of people I know go with swiss.

    I love spagetti but instead of just spagetti for dinner,I learned to portion it.A portion of spagetti to add carbs to a meal that also includes meat and vegetables.

    This would be a day for me:

    6:00-whole wheat wrap,turkey,swiss,2 eggs.juice
    9:00-yogurt,bananna,granola maybe
    12:00-wheat bread,ham,swiss,.fruit,milk
    6:00-salmon,steamed vegatables,multi grain bread,milk

    Dont forget to drink water

    I hope this gives you a idea or helps a little bit
    Last edited by Kayla Shadows; 10-01-2008 at 10:35 PM.

  4. #4
    Faith's Girl Kimberly Marie Kelly's Avatar
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    Smile 3500 calories equals ONE lb.

    ONE lb Equals 3500 Calories. To lose weight is simple, to lose weight either eat 3500 less calories in the week or burn 3500 calories with exercise. Or do both.

    I have been cutting back my meals sizes, instead of double 1/4 pounder value meal I go for a smaller double cheeseburger, small fry and diet coke. Don't get the supersize gallon size, get a small and use refills if needed. Two things happen you start losing 1-2 lbs a week, you change your eating habit's and you start to feel less bloated and more energetic. Don't eat after 7:00 PM only drink water or diet soda after 7:00 PM

    Second thing, start walking for 1/2 hr or more at least 5 days a week preferably 7. You will tone up your whole body and lose the weight faster. Have lost 12 lbs in 2 months and still going..

    It's simple, and it works.
    With Love,

    "Count it pure joy when the world comes crashin
    hold your head up and keep on dancin" MercyMe

  5. #5
    Miss Conception Karren H's Avatar
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    Don't diet!!!!

    5 years ago I was 220 and I'm 5'9". I couldn't walk up stairs my heart was getting irregular... I was diagnosed with a brain tumor.. So I said enough.. I took it on myself to get in shape or I would surely die.. I started slowley exersizing and took a couple adult skating classes.. Started eating right cutting out salt and fatty foods and NO snacks after dinner!! Started playing ice hockey again!! Took me 9 months but I lost 50 pounds... So it can be done..

    So good for you for recognizing the need to change but don't diet!!... I'd start slow with simple exersizes like walking and slowely increase.. Maybe get a friend to go along... Cut out the snacks is a biggie!! You have to burn off more calories than you take in.. And you have to exersize.. Dieting alone rarely does the trick..

    Don't think of it as going on a diet.. Think of it a a change in lifestyle.. You have to change the way you eat and get more active.. If you don't then when the diet is over, the weight comes back!!
    Current Obsession - Breasts and Lingerie!

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  6. #6
    ADMINISTRATOR Sandra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karren hutton
    Don't think of it as going on a diet.. Think of it a a change in lifestyle.. You have to change the way you eat and get more active.. If you don't then when the diet is over, the weight comes back!!
    I couldn't agree more, I've done "the diets" and yes I've lost weight deprived myself of stuff and a few months later have found the weight creeping back on.

    Since April I've ate sensibly and started to exercise, 20-30 mins a day 5 days a week on an air walker, or if the weather is good then I go for a brisk walk. I don't deprive myself of anything, still have chocolate but a couple of squares instead of the whole bar, still have pastries and chips, and I've nearly lost two stone [28 pounds]. Yes it's been slow but for me it's working and continueing to do so.

    I always used to rib you about your legs can't anymore. R.I.P Sexy Legs

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  7. #7
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    I'm into the weight loss thing now since Feb. It was up and down until I changed the type of foods I ate and why I ate.I now only eat things that are beneficial to my health and also eat small snacks in between major meals as Kayla suggested.My new book"ONE BODY ONE LIFE" has some wonderful tips,try drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day,it helps to detoxify your body and makes you less hungry.Another great suggestion is to eat in total silence, fully chewing and savoring every bite,many times I won't finish my whole plate if I just allow my body time register that I am indeed full.
    Last edited by Celeste; 10-02-2008 at 11:22 PM.

  8. #8
    Work in progress fluffy_kingston's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kimberly51 View Post
    ONE lb Equals 3500 Calories. To lose weight is simple, to lose weight either eat 3500 less calories in the week or burn 3500 calories with exercise. Or do both.
    3500 calories is the approximate energy value of a pound of fat.

    A pound of muscle contains between 1000 and 1500 calories depending on other factors including hydration and body fat percentage.

    When you diet, you lose both fat and lean tissue in varying percentages.

  9. #9
    Banned Read only
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    Kimberly51 is on the right track. I am losing wight myself. A normal man needs 2000-2500 cal. a day a women needs 1500. I eat 1200-1500 cal. a day and I will go for a bike ride3-4 times during the week for maybe 30 min. nothing fancy but it burns about 200 cal. and on weekends I will spend about an hour site seeing in the woods on my mountain bike. about 450cal. you really dont have to push yourself just go slow at your own pace. the longer the better. I always check the amount of cals. in the things I eat. some will shock you. I had a whopper that had less cals. than a salad.

  10. #10
    Worlds Prettiest Dad!!! Jocelyn Quivers's Avatar
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    Reduce your intake of refined sugars. Avoid sodas and other drinks with sugar in them especially energy drinks. Also limit your intake of foods with refined sugars. Whenever possible try and replace foods with enriched wheat flour such as white rice, white bread etc., with whole grains.

  11. #11
    Member Laurelanne's Avatar
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    I agree with Karen I too stopped playing ice hockey and exercise mostly gained 40 lbs I have lost 25 since June of last year I NEED to get 30 more off I know weight 190..and Im 5-8 Glad hockey season is here again too..
    Walkiing is probably the best for anyone alot of it, stairs etc the great thing about that YOU CAN DO IT IN YOUR BEST DRESS.

  12. #12
    Gold Member MJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kimberly51 View Post
    ONE lb Equals 3500 Calories. To lose weight is simple, to lose weight either eat 3500 less calories in the week or burn 3500 calories with exercise. Or do both.
    this is true

    Quote Originally Posted by Karren Hutton View Post
    Don't think of it as going on a diet.. Think of it a a change in lifestyle.. You have to change the way you eat and get more active.. If you don't then when the diet is over, the weight comes back!!
    again thats true and it's for life. or every pound you lost will come back and invite there friends too you you can end up with more than you started with...

  13. #13
    Member LisaElizabeth's Avatar
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    Karen and MJ have it right...... DIET is what you eat, not what you can't eat. Once you get that definition into your head, eating right becomes automatic.
    It took me 2 years to lose 70 pounds and due to varius 'excuses' I have stayed there. I truly need to lose 60 more, but that will happen when I get my mind wrapped around it and not sooner.
    Keep up the good work and keep working on modifying your lifestyle, it is a much more permanent solution!
    Lisa E

  14. #14
    Southern Gurl
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    There is no easy way to lose weight! You must change your eating habits to lose weight and keep it off. Eliminate starches (anything white), cut out sweets and fatty red meats. No softdrinks, beer or alcohal. Eat fish and chicken and exercise. Walk, run or swim, but get off the butt! You will lose weight and feel great. I lost 50 pounds and went from a 20 to a 14! Set up rewards for loss, 10 lbs. new shoes, 20 lbs. new dress, you get the idea. Good luck and get going!

  15. #15
    ADMINISTRATOR Sandra's Avatar
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    I disagre with cutting out items all together, you do that and you want them more. Eating in moderation is better that way you are not depriving yourself of something you really like, like sweets or booze, trim as much fat as possible off meat and grill or use a rack in a tin so the fat that is left drips through.

    I always used to rib you about your legs can't anymore. R.I.P Sexy Legs

    R.I.P Rianna

  16. #16
    They call me quiet girl.. Sarah...'s Avatar
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    There's loads of good advice here. Don't "diet" in the usually accepted sense of the word. Simply burn more calories than you eat and you'll lose weight, whatever you type of food you eat. I lost over 3 stone that way and it's still off nearly four years later.

    Though if you eat all your calories in chocolate cake, even if you do a shed load of exercise, you'll lose weight but you'll have other issues!! Darn.


  17. #17
    Hard 2 Quit! KateSpade83's Avatar
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    It took me 2 years / 5030 miles of biking to lose 65 lbs and go from a size 16 to 4. And I have kept it between 142 and 152 lbs for 3 years after, - still can fit size 4. And I eat everything, even the bad stuff like pecan pie or Ben & Jerry's. Just what portion sizes and adjust your dinner if you ate heavy for breakfast or lunch. Yeah, you don't have to sacrifice and be a vegetarian for life! But you gotta exercise to help keep weight gain under control.

    I'm 151.8 lbs today, but I prefer to keep it at 145 lbs for a great size 4 fit! Gotta lose 7 lbs, more than a month of lots of exercise! As long as I don't gain weight the next day it's a victory, a weight loss is a bonus. I'm so lazy nowadays I don't mind if it takes me 3 months to lose 7 lbs. I still wanna enjoy food!

  18. #18
    Silver Member Raquel June's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SOBER View Post
    I'm a MTF taking Progynon Depot and Spiro. I just had started with this combination about 4 weeks ago. I go see the Doc in 4 weeks and want a good result. What are some good foods to eat?
    You haven't said how much you weigh and what your goals are. When you just say you "want a good result," I have no idea if you're talking about eating healthy so you get the most benefit from your meds, or if you actually want to lose weight. In another thread you said you had a 32" waist and 35.5" inseam, so you're certainly not fat.

    The only thing every diet agrees on is that you should have smaller portions and eat more often. It's a difficult habit to get into since most people only have two meals a day.

    The reason diets get very difficult to manage is that you need to eat less to lose weight, and you need to exercise more to build muscle and raise your metabolism, but those two things don't work well together because you need energy to exercise. That's protein and limited complex carbs are important. They provide energy that lasts longer.

    Again I'm really not sure what your goals are, but people who want to get in really awesome shape have better results by going through a cutting phase (where they eat less and lose fat) and then a bulking phase (where they eat more and gain muscle). I know you don't want to get big and bulky, but muscle is still important. Your muscles burn calories and give you a better figure.

    You actually need to be getting a decent amount of calories, because you'll be growing breasts pretty soon.

    I don't see why you have private messaging disabled, but I'll post the more important stuff here...

    It sounds like you're self-medicating, since your meds are often recommended on boards/groups that promote self-medicating, and those two are things people often order from Inhouse.

    I'm impressed by anyone with the guts to self-inject estradiol, but you're way too cavalier with your meds. I saw another thread where you were asking about taking Proscar for hair loss along with the Spiro. Proscar is the same thing as Propecia, except Proscar is 5mg and Propecia is 1mg. It has also been proven that Propecia works just as well if you use cut the pills into quarters. So you're wanting to use 5mg when you only need 0.25mg. Also, Dutasteride 0.5mg blocks 94% of DHT while Proscar 5mg blocks 70% of DHT, and studies have specifically proven that Dutasteride is more effective than Proscar for hair loss. You sure as hell don't need anything over 0.5mg in a DHT blocker when you're already taking a T-blocker. The DHT blocker won't help much more.

    What will help is being good to your scalp. Rogaine and Retin-A both increase blood flow to your scalp and will help. And simple scalp massages every few days will help. I've been on just 0.5mg Dutas (no Spiro) for less than 2 months and I have a lot of very noticable new hair (I'm also using Rogaine, Retin-A, and 1mg estrogen/day).

    You haven't said how much Spiro you're taking, but I'm sure it's in the 100+ mg/day range. That's hard on your liver. I hope you're avoiding alcohol and taking a baby aspirin every day. You really need to get your liver checked soon.

  19. #19
    Member Marjory's Avatar
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    Diets don't work for long term weight loss. Cutting back on the amount you eat will work. Losing weight and keeping it off requires a change in lifestyle. If you can, join a gym.

    Remember if you eat 3500 extra calories you will gain one pound. If you burn 3500 calories you will lose one pound. If you eat less and work out more you'll lose the calories that much faster. When you decide to go to a gym you must make a commitment... exercise is boring but you have to keep at it. I'm 65, 5'7" about 170 lbs and I work out constantly... I had been up to 203, cut back my eating and stayed with my gym. Wish me luck, I'm going for 160.


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