In a previous thread Crossdrezzer1 asked, "Have you ever gone out and thought to yourself,, did I put my stuff away in my secret hiding spot or did I forget and leave whatever lying on the bed,,, This has happened to me many times and so far when returning home I look to see and I havent left anything laying around but sure makes a long day thinking about it.."

Jonianne replied, "Did I lock the door? Did I leave the stove on? Did I close the refergerator? Happens to me all the time. Sometimes it's called OCD."

Barbaraheels said, "God, when haven't I thought about that! I guess its just paranoia. But then again I think I'm obsesive compulsive anyway."

And Linnea wrote, "Oh, yes, many times! However, I also have worried about leaving the water running, forgetting to turn the oven off, etc."

There are studies and reports that suggest a connection between CD'ing and OCD ("Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder"). Are many of us both?