i guess many of you on here would say i'm quite lucky being single ie no So to have to consider or worry about but in some ways am i ? i have the freedom to cd whenever i want have accumilated a big stash of clothes but i still want to meet a gg for some kind of a relationship even if its just friendship/dating - i sit at home and am so happy at having and wearin all these clothes whenever i want and am even plannin on going out soon - but at the same time i worry that all this could be detramental to me ever having a normal loving relationship with a women ie the more clothing i accumilate the further i seem to be from meetin anyone (does that make sense ?) i just dont see how i could possibly meet someone to accept me as i am - it seems most people on here seem to get married and have kids anyway and then let the bombshell out about their cding but at nearly 40 i dont want to go down that road now i would sooner be honest with someone from the start or just stay on my own - or be forced to make a choice between cdin or relationship - is it really possible to combine the two things ie meet a gg who accepts you have this need and be able to have some kind of normal relationship ? i have advertised on a site as a cder looking to meet a girl but the only replies i'm getting are from guys which just doesnt appeal to me at the moment - maybe never will ! are there really women out there that want to meet guys like us or is cding really only seen as a gay/bi or slightly perverted thing to do !