I would love to know the thoughts of anyone who would like to see the word "crossdresser" changed. Here's why, most words, we use are compound words, 2 combined into one new one, example TRans-Gender, Trans-sexual, Bi-Sexual, etc., Now maybe this is petty but crossdresser just doesn't support a meaning, for me anyway because..1) it doesnt really describe ME, and 2)it also is used to pertain to the OTHER compund names I've mentioned.
Now I understand if you are in a TRANSition to something else thats fine, BUT what if you LIKE BEING BOTH? Then there needs to be a distinctive word for it,... Petty am I? Maybe but my long hard thought on this subject has gone on for years. Whats your thoughts? Oh by the way my choice for a word to fit this >>> BI-GENDER !