Hi All,

14 months back I decided to give up being a practicing CD. I believe I will always be a CD, it's just a matter of whether I am active or not. Anywhoodles....I have made it 14 months without wearing or purchasing an article of female clothes, shoes, makeup,...etc. Has it been easy? HE** NO!
Has it been worth it so far? HE** YES! The reasons I decided to stop are still as valid to me today as they were then. I had been CDing for 30+ years. There have definitely been urges, some strong, some not so strong. Had I not purged this post wouldn't be happening. What I've learned regarding urges is they don't need to be satisfied. The passage of time and a plan on how to deal with them has worked wonders. I still visit this forum....some may say that's cheating....the frequency is getting less and less. Maybe I'm living vicariously through you...I haven't given it that much thought.

The things I wanted to substitute my CDing time with are happening....the money that was once spent on this is going to better things. Do I think everyone should quit? That is a personal choice...my choice was made for myself, and my family. I'm not like a militant ex smoker type.....people are free to make their own choices to wear what they want and that is cool by me. Anyways, that's my update and if there is someone out there who really wants to quit it can be done. I am not guaranteeing the future for myself by any means. This day is the only one I want to not CD...tomorrow will take care of itself in due time. Best wishes to everyone .