Last night I got dressed in a nice cotton sleeveless dress that comes just to the knee which is a little short for me as I like my dresses to come a couple inches below the knee. It was a a little cool so I put on a crochet sweater to keep my back warm and my heels and decided around 10:30PM that the building cleaning crew would be done and I could go to the office and get some work done as Paulette. Paulette is always much more efficient and she really gets the work done, as it is the end of the month billings need to go out so money can come in. Driving to the office I was amazed at the amount of traffic in the downtown area and I was hoping for a parking space near the building, yet any parking place would be nice.

As approach the block where my building is located i note that street was full of people, it seems that a play had just let out and everyone was headed for their cars in the parking lot by my building. I had resided my self to parking a couple of blocks away when I spied a space in front of the building. Pulling to the curb and getting parked the throng of people from the play started to pass my car in waves. I waited for a couple of minutes for a time when there would be a lull in the traffic and stepped out of the car and headed for the building. My timing was good up to a point then several of the people turned with me to go to a club a couple of doors down from my office. As I approached the door I heard a lady say wait a second honey let make sure she get into the building I noticed a couple of guys hanging around the ATM machine. I got the door open and glanced back and mouthed than you and smiled. They went on their way and I got on the elevator to my office.

After working for several hours and using the ladies room down the hall with the special key to get in, it was time to call it a night. I closed everything up and took the elevator to the first floor and left the building. Stepping back outside I did not notice that a small breeze had kicked up and as I was walking to the corner to go to the car a gust of wind caught my dress and I had make a mad grab to hold it down(caught it mid thigh, close but not panty flash ). My first thought was to see if anyone was on the street to see and there were a couple of couples walking towards me about a half of a block away. I noticed that the ladies were holding their dresses as I was and I really enjoyed the fact that I was being able to experience another real girl thing. The wind felt cool on my freshly shaved and bare legs (casual dress = no nylons, heck most of the women today do not wear nylons with dresses at all) and when the gust hit I got a surprise blast of cool air on my panties. No worry about the tuck after that.
For me it is the simple things that I really enjoy, like having to lift the hem of a long skirt or dress to walk up or down the stairs, making sure your feet are pointed in the right direction in the ladies room, driving in heels and just all of the other little things that girls do because they are wearing certain clothes.