I have just read a post about a marriage being over. Well I have been thinking of writing this post for a wile now. My marriage is over too. I have moved to an apartment and I am on my own now. My wife is the one that wanted out. She has been really good about everything and we are doing it without lawyers. The reason she wants out is because of my cding. She does not want to deal with it any more. I can't say as I blame her because I have pushed and pushed until she broke. Until we broke. If there is any good coming out of this it is that I am writing this with my nails painted, My forms are glued on, I have on new pj's that I bought yesterday (wow do they feel good) wile on a GNO in Bangor. I would not have been able to do these things living at home. We already have a court date. And life is going on for the both of us. It is very better sweet and quite a roller coaster ride. But I will survive. Thanks for listening.