OK. Someone please explain this to me.

So tonight is the Transgender day of remembrance or TDOR. I wanted to participate and I thought this will be a good opportunity for me to go out and present myself as Lisalotte.
I drove to another city about an hour away to be sure not to run into anyone that I knew. So I get there and I see that I am fashionable late. So I sit in my car and check my makeup before getting out. When I get to the front door and see the people I can't go in. I know there are other CD;s in there. I can see them through the window. But I can't open the door. Back to the car and leave. On the way home I really want some perrier and a bottle of wine. So I convince myself that I can go and get these items. I know of a grocery store that has self checkout counters. So I get to the store and site there and check my hair and makeup. Out of the car. Up to the door and into the store. Get my water and bottle of wine. Off to the checkout counter. Damn machine says " Show the checker your ID " So I do. run my card and leave. No problem. I might add that I got stared at by everyone that saw me. I guess you don't see to many 6'5" women that are built like linebackers. Whatever.

Now. Why could I go into the store and be read by everyone that looked at me and still no problem. I could see the checkout lady look me up and down when I had to show her my ID. I could read it in her face " That is one big Transvestite " or the kid in the lobby. I wanted to close his mouth because I was afraid if he stood there any longer with his mouth open he would start to catch flies. But I can't go into a CD meeting where, yes they will look, but they expect to see me there? I look like allot of the people in there. Is it because I knew that if i went into the TDOR that someone would talk to me? Was it because I am only a CD and this event is, in my mind, for SRS tanspeople. ( Is that a word) In the store if someone talked to me I could just ignore them, perhaps?

On the plus side. I definitely did my part to make about 100 people aware of the Transgender population. I guess that is what the day is all about, right.

Any ideas?