I sat thinking today about how much I have changed in the last year, well the last 6 years really.

1998 - Had short blonde hair, wore trousers all the time, bit my nails and hardly wore make-up. (I sound like a ftm... )
1999 - 2004 Met the most wonderful man.... started to grow my hair, dyed it different colours, grew my nails and started to wear make-up more.
2005 - Hair was so long I had to have it cut. I dress like a woman now and have a lot of fem clothes, shoes etc. (Now I sound like a CD )

So from 1999 to present day, I have certainly changed. I wore trousers all the time because they made me feel comfortable. I'm not a super duper slim model and I am very concious of my weight and how things look on me. This last year has been a complete turn around in the way I look, dress, feel etc.

Today I said to Tam... do you think I've changed much?? She looked at me with a smile and told me I'm a lot more fem than I have ever been. I've started wearing skirts..... if someone had said to me 6 years ago I'd be wearing skirts, I would have laughed. Yesterday I went out specifically to buy a skirt, a couple of tops and some sandals. It felt good.. no it felt great and I can't believe I didn't shop like this years ago.

This year has been a complete turn around for me and I'm wondering if it's because of my relationship with a CD. Tam makes me feel confident, makes me feel like a woman, she makes me feel like I'm the most loved person in this whole universe. In the past she has urged me to wear skirts and pretty fem things, but I refused, because I always felt I looked too fat.. or I looked rediculous, yet she kept on saying I was beautiful and I looked wonderful. Today I don't feel like that anymore, I love the way my wardrobe is starting to fill up with fem things.... and not all black anymore either.

So I'd like to ask a few questions to the GG's here.

1. Do you think you are more feminine today because of your relationship with a crossdresser?

2. Has your lifestyle, way of dressing etc changed in anyway or are you the same person you are now from the day you met your SO?

I'd like to say thank you to Tammy for finally making me into a woman although I was born a girl... it's taken a few years for me to finally feel like one.