When women "crossdress", which is a big fat exaggeration anyway, they do not do so in the same way I do when I put on a skirt or a dress. They are not doing so in order to emulate men. They are not taking any extra steps in order to appear to the rest of humanity as a man. But when I crossdress, I wear breasts, a wig, and for all appearances, look like a woman. Society isn't so worked up about bending the genders a little, but it does get worked up about the full boat. Women (usually) arent' binding their breasts and putting a bulge in their jeans, or trying on a suit and tie in order to look like men. Instead, they take a style of clothing that used to be reserved for men, and make it their own. I don't choose to appear as a man wearing clothing choices that are reserved for women. I choose to emulate a woman in the full sense.

Big difference, and not comparable on any level. One has nothing to do with the other.