I wonder how many of us had experiences as young cd's as far as getting caught by a relative. I am sure there must be many of us who have had this happen to them.
I had two such incidents in my early teens. The first was one weekend when I spent the seekend with my Grandmother, which I did often, because it gave me the opportunity to dress. I would often sneak her pantygirdle, stockings, and bra, and wear them under my boy clothes, and keep them on at night for bed. Well, one morning, I was sound asleep, but the sheet and blanket were not covering me. I heard a rather startled "oh my god", and it brought me out of my sound sleep. She just left the bedroom without saying anything, but she did tell my aunt about it, and of course it get back to my mother also. From that point, it was a bit harder to sneak her things, but I still managed to do it at times.
Later, in my early 20's, She asked me to paint her kitchen for her, and by that time, I had a lot of my own things. Not sure if she noticed that I did the whole job wearing my pantygirdle, panties, nude stockings, with shorts, and sneakers on...LOL. if she did, she decided to just leave it alone, and make no comment.
My second experience was when i was around 13. I would get home from school about 3 hrs. before my mother would come home from work. And of course, many times I would take advantage of the opportunity to dress in her things. Well, there I was, in her bra,girdle, stockings, full slip, dress, watching TV in the living room, when she came home early. I had no chance of making it into my bedroom before she came through the front door, so I just "froze" there in terror. She commented that she "knew" this was happening, and told me to go to my room and remove her things, which I did. She didnt show a lot of anger, But she did say that she did not want me sneaking her things. (which I certainly understand now).
Now that I have "come out" to her, we have spoken of that incident, and she says she wishes she would have handled it differently, and just let me have my own things, and dress freely around the house. I told her that surely would have made my life better, as I would suffer such frustration all the time in my teens, needing to dress, and rarely getting the opportunity.
Well, as many of you know from my previous posts, things have recently become so much better for the two of us.
Anyway, those are two experiences that will stick in my mind forever. I hope some here will share similar experiences. (I know this subject has come up quite frequently here, but perhaps there are some new folks who care to share now).