Last Saturday, my wife went out with her brother as she sometimes does, leaving me alone to peruse the boards here and email some friends. I was a little depressed about being alone at first, until I had a wonderful post-to-post chat with Bethany. (Hi B!)

Anyway, I just found out today that my wife spilled the beans about me to her brother that night. She spilled some beans about herself, too (some of you will recall that she's going through some self-realizations herself). I actually don't mind that she told him about me...I had told her before that if she needs to tell someone, I was cool with it (because I'm not ashamed of it, she is).

Now, she had previously told two of her friends about me (both lesbians, which you'd think would be cool, since they are also part of the whole "LGBT" alphabet). They both laughed about it in a "isn't that weird" kind of way.

But her brother--God bless his open-minded soul--basically said to her "So? You love him, don't you? Who cares if he's into something a little unusual...we all have our secrets, and his isn't as bad as some." I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist.

The other two out-ings did nothing to alleviate my wife's demonizing of what I do. Her brother did. She's still not cool with it, still doesn't want anything to do with it, but she begins to see that maybe I'm NOT the monster she thought I was.

So now I'm out to three people (not counting the 14,000+ here LOL), one of which is my own brother-in-law, none of which did *I* choose to tell (but again, I don't mind that she did).

I'm grateful to God for working through her brother to open her heart just a little. All the time it seems like He's ignoring our prayers, He's working in the background. I know some of you don't see it that way, but some of you know exactly what I mean.

Just thought I'd share my tiny bit of good news with my sisters.