Morning Girls,

I am very curious as to how many of us girls are able to out while dressed? I live in a developement of houses and there would be now way for me to get in my car as Rachel and drive away unless it was in the middle of the night and my wife was away. I would love to go and take a drive enfemme! I am limited to the confines of my own house. I am a closet dresser that wants to be outside for others to see. I wonder what reactions I would get. It is my ultimate fantasy! I know too many people in the area I live in and I am deafly afraid of being noticed because of my car. I would be great to live in the country to be able to sit outdoors and feel the warmth on my body as Rachel. I was curious as to if others have the same problem as me or if they are more moring than I. I look forward to evryones comment. Rachel