I do! In fact, I use the word bi-gender to describe myself because I embody both male and female. And I know my soulmate will love both my masculine and feminine energy. I could never choose between them. Choosing one 100% of the time over the other would feel like a denial of my true self. As much as I would love to have a real female body or live as female part time, I would never want to stop being male, to close that door. I do mourn the fact that I will never have real breasts, or a vagina, or experience childbirth. But I cherish all the experiences of being a woman that I am able to have.

I am working with a life coach and part of my homework is learning about and connecting with others who are bi-gender. I would love to hear your stories, the joys and sorrows of being torn between (and embraced by) two genders. This will be validating for me (and hopefully for you too). I am moving towards self-acceptance. So talking with others who are like me and having it reinforced that this is normal and okay (and even beautiful and wonderful) will be a healing experience for me.