I have debated where to put this but here everyone can see it

I can add fashion faux pas to my list now. I wore the same outfit TWICE for pictures. Didn't realize it until afterward.

It was probably as close to a vacation as I will have this year. A whole day and night away from home in the mountains. It was my 25th reunion (I know I don't look that old but I am...in fact my HS reunion would have been 36 this year...if we had one which I don't think we do because no one in my High School likes each other...sorry strayed a bit there). Of course few of my classmates know about Lori but when I said I was going she screamed and kicked and threw things until I said she could go along. I also warned her she may have to stay in a suitcase all the time, after all she isn't someone you just foist (I always wanted to use that word) on a group of highly respected professionals.

I drove up after work Saturday, taking my time because the hotel didn't have check in until 4 and besides it was a vacation (I had to look that up that word but it seems a vacation is where you go slow and relax...who knew?). I decided that I would restart one of my hobbies from years ago, photography. Especially photography without humans in it. I was a photojournalist when I was in High school (yes the one nobody liked anyone else in) and I really don't like the fake posed pictures. But nature...nice. I didn't stop on the way up but took pictures while driving. You think texting and driving is dangerous? Try taking pictures at 80 miles an hour in traffic that was almost like rush hour. They didn't turn out so well but I can crop the fearful looks on the other drivers out later. Going to have to find a place to post any that might be acceptable. I arrived alive and well, can't say what happened behind me though. It is amazing how people behave when you just smile when you meet them. The nice lady at reception upgraded me to a room with a sitting area and a small kitchenette. All for a smile. Heck I wonder what she would have done for dinner and a kiss? Too bad I was only staying one night and had no plans to be back in the room early...still it was nice.

It was good to see my classmates even if only about 15% showed up. Typical reunion thing, they all remembered things I don't. I think I missed 4 years somewhere. At least there were no naked pictures of me. We drank and talked and drank until...oh gee 9 o'clock. OK really it was after midnight and for a few after 3AM. Had breakfast together and talked more the next morning.

The bad part was I didn't get back to the hotel in time to get made up. But Lori was determined to drive home. So, I grabbed a skirt and top threw them on with my wig and got two pictures...both of which didn't show my face because...hey I didn't put my face on. But that is why nature invented sunglasses and tinted lip balm. Sandals completed the outfit.

Car was all loaded, had already checked out and I am off. I even took the elevator down, what lady walks down stairs at altitude in wedges? Drove through town with a speed limit of like -20mph...seemed like it any way. No one noticed or looked like they did anyway. Out on the road and to my first scenic stop, a small pass over Dillon Reservoir.


Had a few smiles and a few wide berths there. Hey, these people are from all over the world, I didn't expect papparazzi

Then on to Keystone



and finally over Loveland Pass

I didn't stop at the top of the pass but at another turn out and wouldn't you know someone parked right next to me. They only gave the smile and nod as they posed with the guy pointing at the top of the mountain (what is with that? Like saying "see that? Its way up there"). The rest of the trip was all downhill as they say. I stopped at a drive through for a meal. Seems every crossdresser does that, goes to a drive through, but it was easier than having 20 tourists stare in the lobby, like I said no make up and I would have had to take off my sunglasses indoors. But when you think about it, driving while dressed isn't hard. No one looks in your car (except kids and golden retrievers) and they can't see from your shoulders down anyway. But I was sort of hungry

Made it back to Denver and safe at home and had to resume my normal life...the lawn needed mowing (which I do in short shorts, a top and clogs....gee almost like a GG would dress).

Yes I know that is what I wore to Pride and I am so embarrassed because I have a whole closet of clothes! And I realized that in general, my life is boring. I drove, I took pictures, I stopped for lunch...never once did anyone say anything about the fact I was wearing the same outfit I wore to Pride.