I have to give Minalost credit for this thread. Her post in my other thread asked this question and I thought I would put it up to the group for a vote and or comment. This discussion is overly stereotypical and most of us are living proof that stereotypes when it comes to gender don't really apply. However, indulge me this one itsy bitsy stereotype.

They say that men think about sex on average of once every 8 to 12 seconds. I know I certainly don't fall into that category. Even in the height of puberty I don't think I thought about sex that much, but "they" say its so. Therefore, we will pretend it is accurate for the sake of this discussion.

My last thread was about how often I think of all things femme. My mind seems to constantly wander to what I consider stereotypical femme things. For example I go to the PX and stand in front of the magazine rack. Do I look at the cover of Car and Driver, Men's health or better yet Playboy. Nope. I look at the covers of Vogue, Glamor or In Style. A nice looking woman walks by. Do I check her "dimensions out". Nope. I look at what she is wearing, how her eyeshadow is done and what hair style she is wearing. My mind focuses on things I consider feminine thoughts certainly not sex.

This question is for the transgender gals in the crowd. Heck transmen weigh in too. Your answers and comments could be interesting. Which do you think more about sex or feminine things?