Yes, Finally had my ears pierce. I've been putting it off for over a year but now that my hair is well over the bottom of my ears I was out of excuses.

I've started getting a lot of strange looks and questions about the hair from some of my ole drinkin' buddies (Friday services are still a treat w/ the boys) But I've gotten used to that and didn't need to start explaining the ears too. So unless my hair is back you can't see the little steel studs. When it is back they look sorta cute, rather natural.

Since we're chatting about the hair I have to gloat a little. While sitting at the bar on of the regular members of the church of second chance came in and greeted me w/ "Hey, Goldylocks, how ya doin?" After a couple more friendly jabs a couple of ladies at the other end of the bar caught my eye and one said, "we really like your hair!". I'm still on a of course.

BTW, for anyone wondering, yes, it does hurt! And they're still a bit tender.

I'm a little bummed that you have to leave the stud in for 2 to 3 months. I so wanted to buy a pair of hoops or dangles or....... well, you know. Looks like I'll have to put that off 'til March 22. First day of Spring, new life as it were. Kind of propitious.