Sometimes, with all the drama in our lives caused by crossdressing, I wonder if we lose sight of one of the main reasons we (or at least I!) dress up: It’s just plain fun !

Of all the things I enjoy doing for the pure pleasure of doing it; crossdressing is number two (right after making my wife smile and/or laugh at number one) on the list. Even when I’m doing something “tedious” like epilating my legs, or filing my nails, you’ll usually see a big grin on my face. Whenever I catch myself checking out my manicure or the polish on my toenails, I have to smile at myself with the realization that I love what I’m doing and how much fun it is. And when I get the chance to dress up fully enfemme I always feel light headed and giddy as a, you guessed it, “school GIRL!”

Sure, there are times when the “urge” is low, and I don’t feel like dressing up, but this is very much the exception .

So how many of you really ENJOY dressing up enfemme? Is it fun, or a chore? Is it just “something you do because it feels ‘right,’” or do you do it because it’s a blast?