Just a few weeks ago I had an incident with a pair of scissors. I accidentally stabbed myself in the hand cutting off a zip tie. I'm sure you all don't want to know my gore story, but it's lead me away from being who I am for up to a month more. My one hand is completely out of business. I can use my fingers somewhat (like typing right now), but I really can't do much with them as scar tissue is building up on the tendons. I also can't do much with my hand because it's glued shut now and I can't rip the glue.

Anyways, I can't do the things that make me who I am. I cant pull up jeans, I can barely put on shirts due to the wrap, I could never put on a bra by myself, I cant put on pantyhose. It's just all a big frustration. I've been wanting to go out in public for my first time other than Halloween, but that isn't going to happen until my hand fully heals and looks better.

I'm just depressed about it and I just feel like a guy. I have no way to feel girly.

I honestly give major kudos to people with life injuries who only have one hand/arm. I don't know what I'd do without my hand for the rest of my life.