[SIZE="2"]I was reading a post the other day – I forget who wrote it, where I read it, or why I was reading it, but I came across the word “kinky,” and I suddenly realized that I haven’t seen this word around these parts for a long, long time. This is unusual, because we MtF crossdressers are summarily dumped into the same basket with sexual deviants, nature’s mistakes, and all other sorts of perverted individuals just because we dress the way we do. Are we kinky as well, I mean without question? One person’s pleasure is another person’s KINK, but I’m getting ahead of myself...

What does the word KINKY mean to you? To many people, kinky refers to nonstandard sexual or sensual stimulation – anything but vanilla, in other words. I suppose that if a MtF crossdresser dresses for sexual stimulation, he (she) is a kinky individual, which may help to explain all this secrecy and friction with normalcy. Kinky also means to like things that may not appeal to a majority. Looking around at the relatively small number of crossdressers on this site, I think it’s safe to say we are doing something that does not have mass appeal. If you are someone who is open to experimentation, you are definitely kinky, but that does not necessarily imply sexual deviancy. Is there something you haven’t tried yet (in MtF terms), such as wear a wedding dress, or go out dressed to the nines, openly NOT blending in? This qualifies as “kink,” my friends...

Perhaps outsiders think MtF crossdressing (wearing the "wrong" clothes) is naughty, and, therefore, what we do becomes an example of kinkiness. Some people think almost everything at odds with normalcy is naughty, in fact kink can mean a bend or twist in something, also an imperfection, complication, or flaw. When we wear women’s clothing, we are actively bending normal behavior, investigating something we are not supposed to do. We are purposely kinky, putting a knot in the “line,” changing the flow of normalcy. This confuses the status quo, so we MUST be practicing a form of deviancy, even if we are merely side-stepping normal existence for the sake of experimentation – obviously, if we like the feel of the clothing (and who doesn’t?) we are sensualists, and, to society, we are purveyors of KINK as well. Sex has nothing to do with my crossdressing, but I am a sensualist, and therefore I am as kinky as I can possibly be...

But, hang on – there’s more. Nowadays, “kinky” means interesting, cool, awesome, even sweet. You can be cool and weird (to others) at the same time, and "kinky" describes this blessed state. If you are strikingly unconventional, and I think that label fits us MtF’ers quite nicely, some may see you as “quirky,” while others, once they learn of your secretive crossdressing, will pronounce you “kinky” without any further ado. How come I see crossdressers as extremely interesting individuals, peculiar and eccentric (at times), doing something that other males may only dream about, while outsiders see the same people as strange, queer, odd, perverted, irregular, and warped? It’s not fair, because I am not attracted to bizarre or deviant tastes – my closet is a repository of fetishistic objects, to be sure, but you won’t find any BDSM paraphernalia in there...

Kinky can also mean pansy-like – I read THAT somewhere. Need I point out that anything akin to pansies has nothing to do with pretty flowers (in this context)? Kinky=Queer=Perversion, and we purveyors of non-conformity are tried in absentia by those who wish to keep the “line” straight at all times. I’ve gone awry, and I’ve deviated from the established moral code, so I am therefore a kinky person. Correct, but the opposite of kinky is normal, and I cannot tolerate other (normal) people’s ideas of what “correct” behavior entails. I mean, who says? Imagine never experimenting during one’s life, never appreciating sensuality, and never having any fun – what a tragedy! Better to do what others don’t do, and be branded “kinky” for no good reason. Don’t get me wrong – I like vanilla, but I’ve tried every other flavor as well, and I will continue to do so. Society will continue to watch their kink-o-meters for any deviancy in the populace, but they’ll NEVER straighten me out. Can I hear an AMEN, my fellow kinksters?

Is it fair or unfair to call us MtF crossdressers “kinky?” What do you think about KINK?

PS - I used to live on a farm with a large barn, and this barn had a loft. There was one small window, a low ceiling of sloping rafters, a floor that was supported by chains (it jiggled), and this small, dim space was only accessible by a wooden ladder. There was also a twin bed, and, when it was not too hot or not too cold, I would sometimes sleep up there. One day my ex-girlfriend visited, and, since we had no place to “go” on such short notice, I showed her my loft. After looking around the tiny room, she whispered “Kinky...”