A few days ago my wife and I took our children shopping for new clothes, My kids love Marshalls for some reason so this is the place we went last. We entered all six of us and seperated to wherever they wanted as they picked out their own styles.

I was helping my 10yr old son and my wife was with my younger daughter while my older boys roamed and shopped (like a typical boy)

Another family with two teenage boys was shopping the racks and I hear them talking about the styles of clothes.
(not what I would have expected)
The older teenager says to his mom and brother

"Well if you cant find his size, just go over to the womens section because they have better selections, and they are all looking the same nowdays"

this shocked me coming from a teenager. Next quote

"You have to roll with the styles because everyone is wearing the same clothes now days, guys, girls, and transgendered people" (I would not have thought a teen would have known that word, much less used it within earshot of his mother.
I would venture a guess that he was not a CD judging by the way he dressed and carried himself. Just didnt fit the role.
But this got me thinking "wow there is still a chance of acceptance in my lifetime"
I wish there where more teens like this to help shape the acceptability of be who we want to be and dress how we want to dress. Kudos to his upbringing.