Okay... College have a prom on... I didn't want to go in the first place, thinking it would be incredibly institutionalised and all that b*llsh*t that I really don't buy into... But then I said something today, well, asked... and the response astounded me:

My english class were talking about the formal, and I'm the only boy... so the talk was about dresses, who's going with who etc. And I said I wasn't going.

Shock horror. I wasn't going... everyone goes!! Truth be told, I'd much rather just go on a night out and get drunk and have a good laugh, but a lot of people are annoyed I'm not going. (Damned peer pressure.) So... people jokingly said that I should take our, male, english teacher. We laughed, so I said, "Who'd wear the dress?" Laughter etc... Then people said I should - my hair is longer and I have a better figure.

So I asked, "What would you seriously do if I actually came in a dress?"
The response: "It would be funny for about half an hour, then the novalty would wear off and we'd all just have a good time!"

Oh my god.... this could be way out of these damned male clothes!! And, I mean... it's a fantasy of many of you girls', isn't it?? To go to your high school/college prom dressed up and dolled up to the nines!

I can't believe it, I'm actually thinking about it, and that night come out about myself to everyone. Should I, girls?? Should I... seriously??

(I'm shaking even thinking about it.) xx