So I thought I'd share this little tidbit from the other day. I'm not quite 24/7 yet, that will happen later this year, it's getting harder and harder for me to pretend I'm a boy though.

So anyway, I had just finished eating lunch and was walking back downstairs to leave the restaurant. The pathway was narrow and there was an employee wiping down the tables who was blocking my way. His back was to me so I just said "excuse me", he stepped to the side and without turning to look at me, said "excuse me sir".

Then I smiled and walked past him and as soon as he saw me he said "Err, ma'am! I'm really sorry about that." I didn't want to make any more trouble for the man who just paid me the compliment that made my week so I just smiled again and continued on. I was so giddy for the rest of the day!

It's not uncommon for someone to call me ma'am and then correct that to sir whilst in "boy mode" but this was definitely a welcome first.