I read and read about Acceptance and how it is the thing many of you dream/wish for BUT
and it is a big BUT, do you many of you really have any idea of what having a truly accepting partner/family means/could mean

An accepting partner opens up a whole new can of worms and the ball game becomes different ...... you see no longer are their the "boundaries" that some now feel are harsh and unfair, no longer do you have the cry of she won't let me, sometimes having an accepting partner is real scary, one who says "why are you dressing as him to go to the store/gas the car up ?

The thrill of shaving (even if it is a bind, like many of you know) all the hair away to dress is replaced with the damn boring bit of having to do it every single day and trust me no longer have you got the luxury of 3 hours in the bathroom to get ready ..... well not unless you want to be getting up at some ungodly hour of the morning to face the day as you would when dressing one or twice a week.

What is now part of the thrill, does become boringly normal and pretty quickly at that . I can already hear the cries of "ow I would love that " but would you really ?