This question is strictly for GGs to respond. Please respect that. If you're not a GG, then you shouldn't be posting a response. Thank you!

How often do you wear skirts and dresses versus pants? In what situations do you wear a skirt or a dress?

My sense is that most women wear pants under most circumstances. My observation is that casual shopping at the mall is typically jeans, though dressy slacks are sometimes worn. It is rare to see a woman in a dress or skirt while shopping. Office situations are mixed, but mostly pants are worn. Special dates or dressy affairs are when women will wear dresses or skirts.

A followup: Is your sartorial choice yours or do you feel some social pressure to dress a particular way? For instance, if you alway wear jeans to the mall, is that because you just like wearing them - the feel, the fit, the look, the looks you get - or do you feel some social pressure either to wear jeans or to not wear dresses or skirts?

Thank you very much for any insight you might provide!!!!!!