I have some good news I would like to share but it has a rough start.

My wife and I had basically developed a "don't ask don't tell" type policy after stumbling upon my stash of clothes twice. At that time, she was extremely uncomfortable with me cross dressing and really wanted me to stop. I honestly told her that I probably could not stop and we had basically worked out that she just didn't want to know when I do it, never wanted to be surprised by coming home and seeing me dressed, never wanted to stumble into my stash again. All of this is understandable and I would do my darnedest to prevent her from experiencing this again due to her comfort level. This was the status of where were were at with my cross dressing up until about a week ago. Other then the cross dressing, we have a pretty good relationship and we love each other very much.

Last week she started doing spring cleaning and for some reason she went up to a loft storage area we have in our house, where you basically need a ladder to get to, and stumbled across my clothes. She freaked out and spent part of the morning throwing shoes/boots at me plus yelling etc. I sent to the couch for most of the week and we had not spoken for about 4 days. On Thursday, she calmed down enough to be cordial with me and by the end of the evening I was promoted from the couch back to the bedroom. Apparently she spoke with someone from a PAL support group and they had managed to help ease her fears and even got her to agree to come to a meeting.

Last Saturday we addend the meeting together (me in guy mode of course) and it made a huge difference. She is still not ready to see me en femme but I think it has given her a new level of acceptance after speaking with other wives who had similar experiences. Now our relationship feels stronger then it has ever been and, while I know it is baby steps, this initial step was a giant leap for me and I am very thankful that an initial negative turned into a huge positive. She is now comfortable enough with me to attend these monthly meetings and giving me some space to explore

All I can say is that it is a huge weight off of both of us and I am very grateful that she is being patient with me as I am sure it has been very difficult for her too.
