*before we start NO I am NOT pregnant*

This has been an interesting weekend. My life had settled into a routine so no need to get into "I went out last night" stuff (there have been plenty of posts on that already.)

But twice this weekend I have been asked about my transition (I haven't). Now asking if I have ever wanted to transition is common. Many people I meet still believe that when one dresses like I do, that the natural end point is to be a woman. While this would have been what I would have done if things had been different years ago, it really isn't a likely thing now (never say never, money and other things could persuade me to have SRS, but it would be extraordinary).

The first time this weekend I was sitting at my normal haunt for a Friday night. I will say it was a dark and stormy night because we finally have rain (as evidenced by my wet floor in the basement again). Thus almost everyone was inside and not on the two patios. After talking to a "sister" for an hour I finally found a seat. The "Black Crown" is a piano bar here in Denver that is associated with an antiques store so all the furnishings are for sale and it looks like someone's house (not mine, mine is decorated in Early Poor and is never that clean). I sat in the very nice wing-back chair and listened to the jazz combo. I sort of felt bad because of course he place is laid out for people to have conversations and while I sat in one chair, the one opposite me remained open, until a man sat down. He asked if I minded and I said not at all. This happens frequently to me as I go out alone often. It is a great way to meet people if you want to and to not if you don't. Early in the conversation he leaned in and asked "Are you transitioning or have you finished?"

This to me was a high compliment. It meant that I presented as feminine as I could expect to (even though he obviously knew I was male). I "passed" as a TS! That is the almost pinnacle for a TG, I think. As I have explained many times there are just too many "tells" to ever allow me to ever be mistaken for a GG. I explained my situation, including the "I am too old" part where he (as many of my sweet friends here have done) said. "No, you aren't. You should do what you feel is right." I was flattered (twice now) by this nice man (he also gave me a truffle...Banana creme.... I like being a girl ) It wasn't a hit on me. The man had no designs on me at all. We talked another half hour or so about many things. It was nice.

Then last night, different bar (and my dance lessons are coming along fine thank you very much, I don't fall down any more). A woman asked how far along I was in my transition. I told her I wasn't and she said I really should think about it as she thought I would do well. Again, I took this as a compliment. Someone actually thought I could do it and "pass" as they say. Bad me though because my first thought was "Would you date me?" because she was a lesbian. Sorry, there are things you just can't unlearn overnight (but maybe if I had the right equipment and she WAS cute and....nah)

Maybe it is the increase in confidence as I go along? Every time I go out I am less shy, more relaxed. Does this translate into the look? Or is it that when a TS goes 24/7 and starts believing in themselves, they send out a vibe (I am not 24/7 as such) that people who are in the "family" (the man was gay the woman was lesbian so they have inside info in my opinion) pick up. Gaydar for TS's? I wasn't mistaken for a woman, that has only happened from long distances, but I must present as a passable TS. Life is good. (well except today I get to wet vac the floor and I already cleared the gutters and I have to move furniture...I thought I was a Princess who should have someone that does all that FOR me!)