So I'm going to one of the dates of the October MCM Expo in London (not sure what date yet, depends when my friends go) and I've decided to use this opportunity to fully dress up in public in a safe environment. While I'd like to go out dressed on Halloween I'm possibly playing a gig at the time (my band has a very specific image so even on Halloween I won't be able to dress up, and the next day is my SO's 21st birthday) so won't have the chance. It took me a while to decide who best to go as and today I had the perfect idea. Mana, founder and guitarist of Malice Mizer and Moi Dix Mois (both awesome bands, especially the latter). Here's a picture oh him for those that don't know:

I reckon it's a look I could pull off. Would need some help to get that awesome hair but as far as the make up and clothes go I can definitely do that (found links on amazon to very similar dress and cross penchant). Gonna be a little nerve racking get the train up but I'll be with friends dressed as anime characters and the like so I'm sure I can handle it. Anyone else going btw?