Have you ever tried to put you CD self away? Ever tried to deny you are a crossdresser? Have you ever tried to detemine if you marriage problems are your desire to CD or something else? Are money issues keeping you from Divorce?

Over the last year, I have come out to my wife. She has told me no way no how she will be married to a crossdresser. I have tried to put Steph away. Tried to deny who I am. Trying to save my marriage. Tried to not cost myself $500,000 dollars in a divorce settlement. I think I have determined that my marriage is totally screwed up and way beyond the crossdressing issue. I am finding it really hard to put Steph away, I am who I am. And the money, just screw it. Life is too short to be unhappy!!! Plus our separation has provided me peace in my life. On top of that I can shave, wax my brows without a hassle.