We have been conducting a social experiment for the last two months.

We started by shaving my legs over the July 4th holiday. They have been that way since then, except a week when I had some serious razor bumps so I waited a week between shaves.

After seeing no measurable effect from the outside world, even though I wear shorts everywhere, I decided it would ratchet it up a little.

For the better part of the last two weeks I have been freely displaying my manicured, clear polished and significantly longer than your average "male" fingernails to everyone I encounter.

So far, I have had one notice, and that was from someone I have worked closely with for 8 years. Even he didn't seem to care that I indeed do shave my legs.

My kids see me every day and don't either notice or care, and my wife (luckily) loves it.

Why did I send so many bleeping years worrying about something that no one else seems to care much about?

I mean, for goodness sake, I have lived in south Florida for the majority of my life.

What was I so afraid of?
