I got divorced five years ago. Not because of C.D.ing She never new and if she had found out it would have been disgust, ridicule and instant divorce and she would have told everyone.

But five years of being free to be Suzy has been interesting.
The first year was not that good as I was learning to live my life on my own. I am a born loner so it was not as bad as it can be for some.
Then a bit of a watershed moment came. Yes, I found this forum and you all know what that can do to a girl.

Now I live a life of serenity. Quite a word that ‘serenity’ but that’s what life is like for me now.
It was like sliding into a life that fits me perfectly.

I sit here typing on my keyboard in a simple top and skirt, a glass of wine on my desk and feel at peace with the world.

I am not religious but if I were I would think God was saying to me, Suzy, you have had some hard times. Now you get to have some good times and they are going to be very good indeed.

Life is precious, life is good.

Suzy typed this without the help of a screwdriver [the drink]