Quote Originally Posted by Leslie Langford View Post
What she said...
Leslie, you know I am very fond of you but I have to agree with Allie on this one. I think to paint such picture-taking habits with a broad brush really misses the point of the different motivations that are out there for doing so. While I don't take your comments personally, nor those of OP, I can relate from the POV that Kelly stated. I have taken pictures in a dressing room all of twice in my life. The first time was technically not in the dressing room. It was at my fav boutique and at that time I had become pretty good friends with one of the employees. One day she snapped a couple pictures of me in two different outfits, neither of which I bought on that day. I even posted the pictures in these pages and not too long thereafter I returned and bought one of the outfits that I had originally tried on. The second time was last summer in a higher-end boutique and I snapped a couple mirror shots in the dressing room to decide whether to put the dress I was trying on on layaway. I lived with the pictures for a few days and then returned to the boutique to do so and paid it off in full within a month or so. As such, this is but a simple example of what should be interpreted as a legitimate reason to take such pictures. I hope your bs meter isn't going off at all !!!

Quote Originally Posted by Heather Daniels View Post
Is it because you can have your own little fashion show without having to drop the $$ on the clothes?
Because personally I don't see the world as our playtime dressing room, I do put a higher degree of personal responsibility on our community when it comes to trying on clothes. The reason is because of perceptions. A natal female can try on clothes at 50 different stores without buying anything and the respective SA's probably wouldn't bat an eye in that they see this all the time. If one of us did that however, it's likely to be perceived as a being just a game and it would likely affect perceptions of those in the TG community who might follow in our wake (because SA's don't see us all the time).

Only the person trying on the clothes knows if there is any true intent to buy so the responsibility in my mind is purely personal. My opinion doesn't mean that sometimes you go shopping and try stuff on that just doesn't work out. It doesn't imply that one must actually purchase all the time. It's just that if there is zero intent to buy whatsoever, then perhaps one should examine their motivations for using the fitting rooms in the first place...and to bring it full circle, examine whether taking those dressing room photos is really a behavior you can be proud of.