I want to go get my nails done in about 3 weeks time at a nice salon and it will be full enfemme when I go.

I don't want to call ahead and ask the same old questions I used to ask like hey, "is your salon TG friendly. Do you have someone that works well with Transgender Folks?"
I just feel like making the appt with my girl name, walk through the door, sit my arse down in the chair and have a relaxing time. But I have that old fear if I do this that someone might be forced into having to do my nails/toes and saying EWWW to themselves with a shiver as they are working on me. You know the look you can get....

Although I somewhat won't care what they think, I also want to have a "relaxing time" at the salon knowing that someone who is up close and personal with me is hopefully comfortable dealing with a big tranny....
I really don't feel like calling ahead of time if ya know what I mean and asking the same old BS questions....

Anybody ever get that EWWW factor when dealing with someone?