Is it just me or does anyone else relate to the story and theme of Alias? Other than Jennifer Garner's wardrobe, what is it about Alias that is so appealing?

As I am watching the series again I find that the show was really quite simple and predictable. Well, maybe that is because I have seen it before. However, there is something very comforting about it; something that I can relate with on a personal level. I am quite sure it is not being a spy, or was it?

I mean for more than forty years I pretended to be someone I am not to try and fit in. I watched and mimicked male behaviors and patterns in order to be the best male I could be. I did it well too. So in a sense, isn't that like being a spy.

Perhaps it is her struggle with her sense of self. A show of hands, who on this forum struggles with their sense of self? I know several folks are going to say "not me" but look again, only a few people alive in the world can say that and be completely true. On a daily basis Sydney fights to understand who she is while at the same time she is being deceitful and lying to those she cares about. I find that very familiar.

As soon as she gets past once deceitful existing she is thrown into another. I wonder, is that like going stealth? Is stealth a deceitful existence. I don't think I am one to answer that as I am quite open about being trans. However, I don't offer that information up right away in several situations; first dates and work are a couple. I try to be cautious about what I say not wanting to clue anyone in for fear of discovery. Is that caution or deceit? Perhaps it is a fine line.

Okay, enough of this, time for dinner, that is just my thought of the day.