
Roughly 2 years ago when things began to get serious with my S/O I had a purge of epic proportion. Everything and I mean everything went (clothes, shoes, make up, wig, bags, underwear the whole show.) I was ok for quite some time but about 6 months ago I began to have the urge to dress again. I began trying on some of my s/o's things when she was out and now I feel as though I am starting back at square one with an additional hurdle. I know I need to tell my S/O before I can begin to dress again but the thought of breaking the news is difficult. We are very much in love and she is very open minded but for some reason I am terrified of telling her. I guess I always fear the worst because I have had some shitty things happen to me in the past. None the less any advice on how to approach my situation would be greatly appreciated. thanks