There I said it.

Hi All

I have been reading the threads about liking or wanting men while dressed or not dressed or married or not married. Bi sexual this and not bisexual that, lesbian here but not there. Basically, it's homosexuality, period. I love men, but my preference is not what a GG might like. I have no problem telling a man that he's beautiful, in person or from his pictures. I prefer men that crossdress because that is what appeals too me. I would have no problem in being intimate w/ a beautiful man. I'm married to a woman and have children. I am not bi or a lesbian, I am a homosexual. It's erotic too me. It's in my blood just as it's in yours. Homosexuality is human nature just as making a buck. There are many here who adamantly yell out that they are not homosexuals only bi or lesbians when dressed . Who are you kidding? Yourself? Does it not bother your conscious as much if you're labeled a lesbian and not a homosexual? I understand that most married men say they are not homosexuals just to save face from their wives and family. But, we are what we are.

Now, that that's off my chest, everyone can go back too sleep