OK, here's the deal - I'm in the closet. My wife doesn't know about my cross dressing (either that or she's not letting on).
A couple of days ago I went to get my hair cut (same hairdresser that my wife uses - lovely girl). I'm sitting there daydreaming about Judith's next opportunity to get all dressed up - mostly thinking about what to try to improve in my makeup routine and how to approximate to a more feminine eyebrow without doing anything too drastic - when the hairdresser asks "would you like me to trim your eyebrows?"!!! Guess who nearly fell off the chair (she's never suggested eyebrow trimming before and they weren't too hairy-caterpillar-like). "Err em OK" says me after I recovered. Nothing too drastic done, just a tidy but... Darling wife clams NOT to have put hairdresser up to it but I'm not convinced! Little did she know what I was thinking about!

Still feels rather surreal