Last night I went out dressed for my usual Friday night out in the city. It began with a 12 step meeting in the Castro where I am the secretary. After the meeting 6 of us went out for a nice dinner.

Then I met up with Allie and Rachael from this site at an Italian Restaurant where we had coffee and dessert. The girls knew the staff of course. Everyone was very sweet to us. I glided through the neighborhood where there was a more mainstream population. It seems so natural now to be out.

So here is where it gets good. I said goodbye to the ladies and headed back over the bridge toward home. As I exited at my town I saw a familiar weekend sight, a DUI check point. They had floodlights and there were several local police. I pulled up and smiled at the the male officer. He said hello and asked for my license. I don't think he had realized yet as he said mam. As I handed him my license I said you may have a good laugh. He shot me a glance and looked at my license. He turned to the female officer and said, " This is Blank saying my male name." She smiled at me. He asked if I had been drinking and I said not in almost 12 years. The lady officer asked if I had been having a good time. I said yes a very good time but my wife is patiently waiting for me to get home. They told me to be safe and said goodbye.

I loved the experience. I was confident and happy. We do not have to hide! It was a great way to end the evening!
