This is something that has been bothering me for the past week or so. I hear so often about how people would never be born trans or crossdress if they could help it.

However, I don't feel this way. For me, being a CDer is one of the most liberating and wonderful things I've ever experienced. I dress how I want, act like I want, be who I want...When I'm freed of the social and personal restrictions of being female I feel very powerful and at peace with myself in a way that I don't think I would ever feel if I just accepted my role as a 'woman'.

I truly believe that opening up to the 'male' side of myself is a thing to be celebrated, not hidden. I feel as though I love myself even more as a person now that I've accepted myself fully.

Yes, I've wanted to hide. Yes, I get scared of other people's reactions and what they think of me. Yes, I wonder if I'm 'normal' and if life would be different if I wasn't this way...

But all in all, I like me the way I am. No, I take it back, I LOVE me the way I am! =^_^=

So, here's the point. Do you love you? Does it make you happy to be who and what you are? If not, why not?

I hope that no one gets offended...