I wonder if sometimes some of the members on here will read certain posts about how wonderful of a time had with the wife, she helps with make up, do manis together. How wonderful the outings always are. how great the family and friends are about it all etc etc.

I myself can get to feeling a little envious. Then, I stop and think about my life in the big picture. Its not all that bad. I have two healthy kids, both smart, one excelling big time. A great wife, a stable job, a lot of good friends. Family times at holidays are always fantastic.

I am not suggesting that anyone not do what they are pondering doing. What steps of progression they desire to make. I do think though that sometimes what we may read may get us thinking or acting ahead of what is really best for us.

Old adages like slow and steady wins the race certainly mean a lot when it comes to gender related issues. Give up certain battles to live to see another day and eventually win....

Believe me when I say that I am not advising to give it all up for the greater good of society and all those whom we know and love. I am just saying, consider 1st what your individual situation is and what is best for it. which ultimately is best for you in the long run.

I do see a lot of selfishness on this board at times when it comes to CDing. And sometimes, hey we do need to be able to do and be what feels best. But, what is so often said on here about the desire to be more womanly.... well, you can start by being a little more selfless, because that is what women tend to do. They think 1st of others before themselves.