When you girls think about being femme, what do you think it means? Kind of the nature of it, I guess.

I've been rolling this idea around in my head for a few days, and these are some of my disorganized and disconnected thoughts.

I think that we can draw a distinction between sex and gender. Sex is what you have between your legs. Gender is something... less tangible. It affects how you think about and react to things. It affects how you view the environment around you day-in and day-out. It affects your style, your interests, your personality.

As I introspect on my personality, I can identify aspects of it that are masculine and aspects that are feminine. For example...

When confronted with a critical situation, my instinctual reaction is to identify the variables in the situation I have control over and try to mitigate the situation.
When confronted with a problem someone else is having, my instinctual reaction is to try to comfort them by helping them fix the problem.

I am a fairly sensitive person emotionally. I tend to empathize well with the feelings of others.
When socializing, I love to sit and chat and gossip with friends over coffee.

Those are just a couple of high-level things I thought of on each side and they certainly aren't perfect examples...but hopefully they give you an idea of what I'm getting at.

So I guess what my take-away on all this is (and I think others have had similar thoughts based on my reading here), is that there are people at different points on the scale of masculine to feminine and depending on where they are on that scale may make a big difference as to how they feel about their sex (as opposed to their gender).

You could have someone who is male (sex) and completely masculine (gender)
You could have someone who is male (sex) and completely feminine (gender)
You could have someone anywhere in between.

Of course the exact same thing would apply for GGs.

The funny thing is that - as so many have said - so much of this is imposed by societial norms! I imagine that there are many, many people out there (the majority, I would imagine) who would not fall strictly on one end or the other of the spectrum - but don't dare to do anything about it - and so they continue on just as they always have.

So this leaves me curious, where do you girls feel like you are on the Masculine to Feminine scale? And what are aspects of yourself you consider part of your feminine self and/or your masculine self?

For me, on a scale of -5 to 5 with -5 being completely masculine and 5 being completely feminine, I would put myself pretty close to a 0 - varying between a -1 and a 1 depending on the day. Some days I feel more masculine and some days I feel more feminine.

I don't have any interest in having SRS - I'm comfortable with myself as a male by sex. That said, I don't want to JUST be either my masculine self or Amanda (my feminine self). I want to be both.
Anything else is denying one part or the other of me exists, and that is just lying to myself.