I recently met a woman who like me married her high school sweetheart who happens to be a crossdresser. She has a slightly different outlook on the subject than I do though, when she talks about it she seems tired maybe a little jaded. One thing she said really stuck with me, she told me at first she didn't mind it even enjoyed it, helping him put together outfits and helping him with his make up and having fun seeing the end result, sounds a lot like me. Then she said over time it stopped being fun and started being more of a chore, she started wondering what it would have been like to be married to a "real man" (her words not mine) she told me she grew to hate that side of him and even found herself less attracted him and that it has caused some major problems in their marriage.

Now I never once thought of my husband as less of a man because of this and the fact that we discovered and went down this road together has made us closer it is something that we do together but he doesn't let being a crossdresser define him and we don't let it define our marriage. I can't imagine feeling the way she does.

Those of you that have wives that are supportive do you feel like she has lost interest or willingness to be involved over the years? I would also like to hear what other GGs here thing about it. G