So I am doing some work out in tri-cities, Tenn. I went to go for a run on a greenway and had a nice lady tell me good job. I replied with a good morning but I should have stopped and said thank you and talked to her for a minute. Instead I just kept running my way. Well about a week later a get a friend request on Facebook from a lady in the tri-cities and turns out it was her and then I found out that she is trans. We messaged back and forth for a bit and she told me to come to her office to meet her. I was too excited about it because I was telling my fiance about how I hated that area because I kept getting "what strange planet did you come from" stares from people. I don't mind stares every now and then but it was every person that I passed except that one lady and her girlfriend. Just thought I would share and if you all are interested I will give a follow up after I meet her.